
About the opportunity

A range of services and interventions, including mentoring, will be offered to support young people aged 11+. The mentor will provide independent support and mentoring. Children’s Services believes some young people can benefit from extra support. Young people may have a range of professionals working with them. However, it is recognized that having someone impartial to talk to and offer support can make a difference to self esteem and engagement.

Volunteers will be matched with young people and offer one to one support. This is likely to include: face to face meetings, supporting them to attend meetings and appointments and increasing their self esteem. A crucial aspect will be the ability to build positive relationships which allow young people to feel listened to and supported and continue as long as needed.

Face to face meetings are likely to take place in a variety of local settings to be agreed between the young person, Volunteer and Volunteer Coordinator, and may include schools, youth clubs, cafes etc. A small allowance is granted per session for food/drinks/etc.

All volunteering expenses including mileage and parking will be paid.


Volunteers will receive a full training program on how to deliver support which will equip them to provide guidance and advice. Volunteers will also have access to Volunteer Coordinators, who will provide guidance, advice, and supervision whilst they delivering their volunteering activities.

Tasks and duties

The Volunteer will:

  • work with the volunteer coordinator to agree a match to young people
  • attend an initial meeting with the young person and Children’s Services worker to agree the type and frequency of support to be offered and agree ongoing meetings and support
  • discuss and agree information sharing with the young person and Children’s Services worker
  • meet with the young person and deliver the ongoing support agreed
  • record and share information as agreed

Volunteers may work with more than one young person at a time (depending upon the time they are able to offer)

Commitment and availability

Volunteers will need to commit to regular, weekly visits on a long-term basis.

Visits can take place on weekdays or weekends during the following time periods:

  • 9am to 12 midday
  • midday to 6pm
  • 6pm to 8pm

The amount of support each young person requires will vary depending upon their needs. Volunteers will need to be able to commit to a weekly visit and be able to offer ongoing support to a family. The amount and timing of support will be discussed and agreed at the initial matching stage.

Who we are looking for

Training and support will be provided therefore previous experience is not essential. We are seeking volunteers who feel able to: 

  • Communicate and ensure people, with varied levels of ability, understand information
  • Build and maintain positive relationships with young people
  • Listen and remain calm and impartial when dealing with young people
  • Record information
  • Respect differing views of individuals and work in a non judgmental way
  • Respect confidentiality and the agreed information sharing process
  • Have the confidence to report concerns to their Volunteer Coordinator
  • Be able to describe their role and maintain professional boundaries

How to apply

If you would like to apply for this role, please complete the application form.

If you would like more information, email [email protected]


  • Driving licence
  • Volunteers must hold ‘business use’ insurance, and provide evidence of this and their MOT certificate to the Volunteer Coordinator
  • Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check required