Biodiversity is one of several material considerations when Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) are considering planning applications
- Material consideration
A material consideration is a factor that the LPA is obliged to consider. Any development can affect biodiversity. If you are thinking about making a planning application, look at potential impacts to biodiversity at an early stage. This can prevent invalidation, delays, or refusal of your planning application.
- Checklist
We have developed a Biodiversity checklist for both householder and full applications. This checklist helps to guide applicants and planning officers to understand if ecological information is needed to support a planning application.
Depending on the requirements of your LPA, you may be required to send this form with your application, together with any ecological survey and assessment work that the checklist highlights as necessary.
The checklist is a broad approach, and cannot be specific to every site. There may be cases where you are advised to undertake ecological work even if the checklist does not immediately indicate this.