Road Verges of Ecological Importance (RVEI)

Roadside verges are an important wildlife habitat, especially for pollinating insects.

They support fragments of the type of flower-rich grassland once widespread in lowland Britain.

Managed well, the verges can support a wide range of plants and animals. With around 10,000 km of highways in Hampshire, this presents approximately 13,000 hectares of roadside verge habitat, equivalent to 3% of the county's land area.

  • 13,000
  • hectares of roadside verge habitat
  • 3%
  • of the county's land area are verges
  • 223
  • Road Verges of Ecological Importance identified

The County Council is responsible for the management of the verges on all roads in the county, except motorways, major trunk roads, and urban areas. Plants need to remain uncut throughout their flowering and seeding seasons so they can survive and reproduce. This means that most RVEI verges are only cut in April and/or late September.

Approximately 15 to 20 RVEIs are surveyed each year by the Hampshire Biodiversity Information Centre (HBIC) as part of an annual survey programme to assess their value for biodiversity.

To qualify as a Road Verge of Ecological Importance (RVEI), the verge must support either a notable species and/or a species rich semi-natural habitat. Selection of RVEI sites is undertaken by the HBIC.

Further information on the RVEI scheme