Who can provide sandbags

If your home is vulnerable to flooding, keep a stock of empty hessian bags and sand, synthetic sandbags or other flood barriers.

Hampshire County Council does not supply sandbags to residents to protect their own property

The Environment Agency provide guidance on how to use sandbags.

If you are at risk of flooding inside your property, you must take measures to protect your property. Consider buying sandbags or other equipment from builders merchants, hardware or DIY stores.

Some local borough and district councils provide sandbags for emergencies. Contact your borough or district council for more information.

Local council Sandbags held
Basingstoke and Deane No. See the website for local information.
East Hampshire Yes. Limited and prioritised in emergency situations.
Eastleigh Yes. Limited and prioritised in emergency situations.
Fareham Yes. Limited and prioritised in emergency situations.
Gosport No. Offer for residents to use discount to buy sandbag alternatives.
Hart No. See the website for local information.
Havant No. See the website for local information.
New Forest Very limited stocks of sandbags held. Prioritised based on risk in emergency situations.
Rushmoor No. See the website for local information.
Test Valley Yes. For those at significant risk of flooding.
Winchester Yes. Limited stock of sandbags which are reserved to help vulnerable residents if their home is at threat of internal flooding.