2011 Census
The 2011 Census took place on 27 March 2011. Here you can find the data released for Hampshire, along with reports and factsheets.
- Reports
The Demography and Economy teams have written some reports about the 2011 Census data.
2011 Census reports
Ageing Profile – Report investigating what it means to be an older person in Hampshire today
2011 Census Initial Briefing for Hampshire: analysis of the change in Hampshire's population (including Portsmouth and Southampton) between the 2001 and 2011 Census.
2011 Census Initial Briefing for Hampshire County: analysis of the change in Hampshire County's population (excluding Portsmouth and Southampton) between the 2001 and 2011 Census.
Comparison of the 2011 Census and 2011 SAPF for Hampshire: analysis of the similarities and differences between the 2011 Census and Hampshire County Council's Small Area Population Forecasts.
Economic Census 2011 Report – Selected statistics from the 2011 Census relating to the economy of the Hampshire Economic Area
Ethnic group profile of Hampshire 2011 Census – Analysis of the diversity of Hampshire's population
The Demography of Hampshire's New Housing Developments – Analysis of the make-up of Hampshire's new residential developments.
Tenure Profile: Private Rented Sector – Summary of household tenure in Hampshire and the characteristics of the private rented sector.
- Factsheets
Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG)
Themed infographic factsheets
The Demography Team has produced a selection of infographic factsheets, presenting themed Census information in a graphical format:
- Family type within Hampshire
- Hampshire Communal Establishments infographic fact book
- Hampshire households infographic fact book 2011 Census
- Lone parents
- Lone pensioner households
- Travel to work infographic
- Health & Disability (65+)
Hampshire, district and unitary authority summaries
The Demography Team produces the following Census summary factsheets. They present various information on population size, age structure, ethnicity, marital status, country of birth, religion and housing.
Available for Hampshire and all districts, plus the unitary authorities of Portsmouth and Southampton. Data comes from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) 2011 Census and trend data from the 1981, 1991 and 2001 Censuses.
2011 Census factsheets for Hampshire
2011 Census factsheets for Hampshire Districts
- Basingstoke and Deane
- East Hampshire
- Eastleigh
- Fareham
- Gosport
- Hart
- Havant
- New Forest
- Rushmoor
- Test Valley
- Winchester
2011 Census factsheets for Hampshire Unitary Authorities
- Data
Usually resident population
Usually resident population in five year age groups by gender. Available in the tables below for Country, Region, County, Local Authority, Ward, Middle Super Output Area (MSOA), Lower Super Output Area (LSOA) and Output Area (OA).
Usual residents by resident type, population density, number of households with at least one usual resident and average household size. Available in the table below for Country, Region, County, Local Authority, Ward, Middle Super Output Area (MSOA), Lower Super Output Area (LSOA) and Output Area (OA).
Usual residents by resident type, population density, households and average household size
Short-term residents
Number of non-UK short-term residents by gender. Available in the table below for Country, Region, County, and Local Authority.
- Non-UK short-term residents by gender
- Non-UK short-term residents by sex and five year age group AP1101EW (26 March 2013)
- Non-UK short-term residents - country of birth AP1201EW (26 March 2013)
- Non-UK short-term residents - passports held (detailed) AP1202EW (26 March 2013)
- Non-UK short-term residents - economic activity AP1601EW (26 March 2013)
Second addresses
Second address estimates by type of second address. Available in the table below for Hampshire County and Local Authorities.
- People living outside Hampshire with a second address inside Hampshire
- People living in Hampshire with a second address outside Hampshire
- Local Authority second address profile
Useful 2011 data
Each file contains:
- information about the data
- metadata
- numbers
- percentages – each category is shown as a percentage of the population being measured
- ranks – each category for each district and unitary authority is ranked within England and Wales, with ranks based on percentages
Available in the tables below for Country, Region, County, Local Authority, Ward, Middle Super Output Area (MSOA), Lower Super Output Area (LSOA), Output Area (OA), and Parish (where available). Some parishes are too small to have data published for them and are combined with other parishes. Download the list of affected small parishes.
- Usual resident population KS101EW (30/01/2013)
- Year of arrival in the UK QS801EW (30/01/2013)
- Household composition – Households QS113EW (30/01/2013)
- Number of bedrooms QS411EW (30/01/2013)
- Number of rooms QS407EW (30/01/2013)
- Occupancy rating (bedrooms) QS408EW (30/01/2013)
- Occupancy rating (bedrooms) QS412EW (30/01/2013)
- Occupation – Females KS610EW (30/01/2013)
- Occupation – Males KS609EW (30/01/2013)
- Passports held KS205EW (30/01/2013)
- People aged 18 to 64 living in a one adult household QS117EW (30/01/2013)
- Persons per bedroom – Households QS413EW (30/01/2013)
- Persons per bedroom – People QS414EW (30/01/2013)
- Persons per room (Households) QS409EW (30/01/2013)
- Persons per room (People) QS410EW (30/01/2013)
- Population Density QS102EW (30/01/2013)
- Proficiency in English QS205EW (30/01/2013)
- Provision of unpaid care QS301EW (30/01/2013)
- Qualifications and students KS501EW (11/12/2012)
- Qualifications gained QS502EW (30/01/2013)
- Religion (detailed) QS210EW (30/01/2013)
- Rooms, bedrooms and central heating KS403EW (30/01/2013)
- Schoolchildren and full-time students at their non term-time address QS105EW (30/01/2013)
- Second address QS106EW (30/01/2013)
- Tenure – Households QS405EW (30/01/2013)
- Year last worked QS612EW (30/01/2013)
2011 census tables
- Accommodation type – Households QS402EW (30/01/2013)
- Age of arrival in the UK QS802EW (30/01/2013)
- Age structure KS102EW (30/01/2013)
- Approximated social grade QS611EW (26/03/2013)
- Armed Forces QS121EW (30/01/2013)
- Car or van availability QS416EW (30/01/2013)
- Car or van availability KS404EW (30/01/2013)
- Country of birth (detailed) QS203EW (30/01/2013)
- Country of birth KS204EW (30/01/2013)
- Country of birth (expanded) QS213EW (26/02/2013)
- Dwellings QS418EW (30/01/2013)
- Economic activity QS601EW (30/01/2013)
- Economic activity of Household Reference Persons QS602EW (30/01/2013)
- Economic activity – Full-time students QS603EW (30/01/2013)
- Economic activity – Females KS603EW (30/01/2013)
- Economic activity – Males KS602EW (30/01/2013)
- Ethnic group KS201EW (30/01/2013)
- Ethnic Group QS201EW (30/01/2013)
- Families with dependent children QS118EW (30/01/2013)
- General health QS302EW (30/01/2013)
- Long-term health problem or disability QS303EW (30/01/2013)
- Highest level of qualification QS501EW (30/01/2013)
- Hours worked KS604EW (30/01/2013)
- Household composition KS105EW (30/01/2013)
- Household composition – People QS112EW (30/01/2013)
- Household composition (alternative child and adult definitions) – Households QS115EW (30/01/2013)
- Household composition (alternative child and adult definitions) – People QS114EW (30/01/2013)
- Household language KS206EW (30/01/2013)
- Household size QS406EW (30/01/2013)
- Household type QS116EW (30/01/2013)
- Industry QS605EW (30/01/2013)
- Industry – Females KS607EW (30/01/2013)
- Industry – Males KS606EW (30/01/2013)
- Living arrangements QS108EW (30/01/2013)
- Length of residence in the UK QS803EW (30/01/2013)
- Lone parent households with dependent children KS107EW (30/01/2013)
- Main Language (detailed) QS204EW (30/01/2013)
- Method of travel to work QS701EW (30/01/2013)
- Marital and civil partnership status KS103EW (30/01/2013)
- National Identity (detailed) QS214EW (26/03/2013)