2021 Census
The 2021 Census took place on 21 March 2021. Here you can find the data released for Hampshire, along with reports and factsheets.
- 2021 Census first results for Hampshire
- 2021 Census data for Hampshire
- 2021 census headlines for Hampshire
- Release plans - Office for National Statistics
- Data
Each file contains:
- metadata
- numbers
- percentages – each category is shown as a percentage of the population being measured.
Data is available at different geographies, dependent on disclosure control. All data which is currently available can be found in the tables, this may include Country, Region, Local Authority, Middle Super Output Area (MSOA), Lower Super Output Area (LSOA) and Output Area (OA).
- Accommodation Type TS044
- Age by single year TS007
- Age of Arrival TS018
- Car Availability TS045
- Central Heating TS046
- Country of Birth TS004
- Disability TS038
- Ethnic Group TS021
- Ethnic Group (detailed) TS022
- Gender Identity TS078
- General Health TS037
- Highest Level of Qualification TS067
- Household Composition TS003
- Household size T017
- Legal Partnership TS002
- Living arrangements TS010
- Main Language TS024
- Passports held TS005
- Previously Served in UK Armed Forces TS071
- Provision of Unpaid Care TS039
- Religion TS030
- Religion (detailed) TS031
- Residents in households and communal establishments TS001
- Sex TS008
- Sex by single year of age TS009
- Sexual Orientation TS077
- Tenure TS054
- Year of arrival TS015