Births, deaths and migration

Information on the three key demographic events

Births and deaths

The Demography Team produces these births and deaths factsheets. They present information on the numbers of births and deaths, age of mother at birth, births outside of a legal marriage, and births by mother's birth status.

  • They provide information from 1991 to 2019
  • Available for all Hampshire districts, as well as the Unitary Authorities of Portsmouth and Southampton
  • The data comes from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) Vital Statistics


Migration, or the movement of people, is the hardest of the three demographic factors to measure. No single source of migration data provides a full picture.

The story of UK migration: collected literature on UK immigration and emigration, and the implications for Hampshire

Migration data trends into Hampshire: comprehensive look at trends in international migration into Hampshire

For more data on migration, visit the Office for National Statistics Local Area Migration Indicators Suite (updated August 2013).