Population estimates and forecasts

Population and dwelling estimates up to 2030

To ensure the data meets your needs, see How to use forecasts, estimates and projections.

Small Area Population Forecasts (SAPF)

Hampshire County Council produces the Small Area Population Forecasts (SAPF). The data published here provides an estimate of the population and number of dwellings for:

  • Hampshire as a whole
  • the 11 districts within Hampshire
  • the cities of Portsmouth and Southampton

The population figures are broken down by age and gender and are forecast from 2023 to 2030.



Forecast methodology technical note

In the current economic climate, forecasting dwelling supply has been difficult. The figures are the best projections available as of 1 April 2023, on a site by site basis and taking account of market conditions.

Request data

Contact us if you require:

  • data at ward, parish, LSOA or MSOA level (may incur a small charge)
  • figures for other geographies (may incur a charge)

Long term projections

The County Council does not produce its own projections. We use the Sub National Population Projections (SNPPs) produced by the Office for National Statistics.

They suggest what the population will look like over a longer time period. They are produced for all local authorities, so that the data can be compared across the whole country.

The projected local authority populations for each year are calculated by ageing on the population from the previous year, applying local fertility and mortality rates to calculate the projected births and deaths, and then adjusting for migration into and out of each local authority. The local fertility, mortality and migration assumptions are estimated values based on trends from the last five years.

Mid-year estimates of population

Mid-year estimates are produced by the Office for National Statistics. The data provide estimates of the population of individual districts within Hampshire and the Unitary Authorities of Portsmouth and Southampton.

Mid-Year population estimates broken down by age and gender for 2012 to 2020.
