New Forest Community Link
Opening hours
Monday to Friday 9:30am and 4:00pmContact details
01425 617321
Registered Manager: Nicki Ward
16-18 Old Milton Road New Milton BH25 6DX
About us
New Forest Community Link provides a wide range of daytime opportunities to adults with complex needs living on the western side of the New Forest. Based in a newly refurbished building next to the public library, our facilities are fully accessible and open from 9.30am until 4pm Monday to Friday.
Whilst we offer a small number of activities within the building itself - including interactive storytelling, communication, sensory activities, art, crafts and music - our primary focus is on supporting people to access activities and facilities available within the local community. Our services are based upon key principles of promoting choice and independence whilst ensuring that people are safe and well.
Learning disability day centre Older people's day centres
New Forest Community Link entrance