Romsey & Waterside Day Services
Opening hours
Monday to Friday 9:30am and 4:00pmContact details
023 8086 2597
Registered Manager: Dawn Harris
Jacobs Gutter Lane Hounsdown Southampton SO40 9FT
About us
Romsey and Waterside Day Service provide a wide range of opportunities to adults with learning disabilities living on the eastern side of the New Forest. Based on the outskirts of Totton, our fully accessible facilities are open from 9.30 until 4pm Monday to Friday and we also have additional satellite services in Romsey and Hythe.
Whilst we offer a variety of activities within the building - including cookery, art and crafts, drama, music, sports, games, computers, communication, multi-sensory and storytelling sessions - our focus is increasingly on supporting people to access activities and facilities within the local community itself. This would include, for example: forest walks, swimming, bowling, exercise classes and bingo. We also have a full time gardening project set in several acres of beautiful grounds near Fawley.
Our services are based upon key principles of promoting choice and independence whilst ensuring that people are safe and well.
Learning disability day centre
Romsey and Waterside Day Services entrance