Disadvantaged 2 year old offer – eligibility and how to apply
This scheme is for Disadvantaged 2 year olds where families meet the eligibility criteria to receive early years education from the funding period after their second birthday
It is not to be confused with the Working Families entitlement, see Funded childcare for working families tile.
This is part of a national offer from the Department for Education (DfE) and has been developed to improve outcomes for identified two year olds who would benefit from access to high quality early years and childcare provision.
Children who are confirmed as eligible will be offered up to 15 hours of early years education per week delivered over 38 weeks, totalling 570 hours for your child’s eligible funding year. If you choose a childcare provider that is open for more than 38 weeks, you may be able to “stretch” the hours across your child’s funding year, which equates to less hours per week (e.g., 11.4 hours over 50 weeks).
- Eligibility criteria for Disadvantaged 2 year old Early Years Education funding
For full details about claiming Disadvantaged 2 year old funding, see the government information webpages for economic and non-economic eligibility criteria as well as published guidance for families with no recourse to public funding.
- Information required to apply for Disadvantaged 2 year old Early Years Education funding
For UK-citizens you will need to provide details:
Families that meet the economic criteria will need the following detail to complete the online 2 year old application form on the Education Online Portal:
- Your name and date of birth
- Contact details
- National Insurance number or National Asylum Seekers number
- Your child’s name and date of birth
Where the family meets the non-economic criteria: Children Looked After by the Local Authority or Child with Special Educational Needs or/and Disability, parents will be prompted to provide supporting evidence to support the application in the Education Online Portal. Services for Young Children will respond within the portal if additional information is required.
For non-UK-citizens:
Families that have no recourse to public funds will need to complete the Application form for free early education for two year olds from families with no recourse to public funds (NRPF). Before the application can be approved you will need to send the form and supporting evidence to Services for Young Children.
- How applications are processed
For UK-citizens:
The Education Online Portal 2 year old funding application will provide an immediate outcome via the Eligibility Checking Service for parents/carers that meet the economic eligibility criteria. A 2 year old application reference number beginning with TYF will be generated, will appear on the parents’ portal and these details will need to be shared with the childcare provider.
Where the parent is 'Not found' on the Eligibility Checking Service, the parent will receive an instruction to check the information that has been submitted is correct and resubmit if not. The parent may be asked to contact Services for Young Children to provide documents to show that the economic criteria have been met, for example, the TC602 Tax Credit Award Notice for Working Tax Credit.
For non-economic criteria applications, on receipt of evidence Services for Young Children will be in touch via the Education Online Portal to confirm eligibility or seek further information if required.
For non-UK-citizens:
On receipt of the Application form for free early education for two year olds from families with no recourse to public funds (NRPF) and supporting evidence Services for Young Children will generate a 2 year old application reference which can then be shared with the early years provider to secure a funded place.
- Make a Disadvantaged 2 year old funding application
For UK-citizens:
If you think your child is eligible for Disadvantaged 2 year old funding (having checked the criteria in step 1 above), apply using the Education Online Portal, by selecting the green button below. If you are having difficulties to complete the application, please contact either your childcare provider or Services for Young Children on 01962 847070 (option 1) and an assisted application can be carried out on your behalf.
For non-UK-citizens:
If you believe you meet the requirements as a non-UK-citizen, please complete the application form for Disadvantaged 2 year old funding using the form for families with no recourse to public funds (NRPF) by selecting the green button below. You will need to send the documentation and supporting evidence to Services for Young Children (instructions are on the application form).
If you have any difficulties, please contact Services for Young Children using our general enquiry form.
- Additional costs and services
Early Years Education funding does not cover the cost of additional services.
Childcare providers can charge for a meal if your child attends during a mealtime and you have agreed this. Most providers will allow you to send in a packed meal for your child.
There may be an opportunity for a childminder to support the family by collecting and dropping off your child at the childcare provision or home, but this is likely to have a cost.
Childcare settings may also charge a fee for consumable costs (e.g. nappies, sun cream).
If your child is receiving Early Years Education funding hours the childcare provider will charge for any additional hours in the setting. Please check the childcare providers Fee Policy for more information.
- Further information
If you would like to search for childcare in your area, the Family Information and Services Hub will support you find early years settings.
If you are searching for childcare and services for children with special education needs and disabilities (SEND) you may prefer to access the Hampshire Local Offer webpages.
Parents should discuss their childcare needs with the early years provider.
- Contact us
Family Information Service
Phone 0300 555 1384
Email [email protected]Need to ask a question about your Disadvantaged 2 year old funding application?Complete a General Enquiry form and we will contact you.