Safeguarding Early Years

What is Safeguarding?

Safeguarding is about more than child protection. Child protection is specifically about protecting children and young people from suspected abuse and neglect. Safeguarding is much wider than that. It includes everything an organisation can do to keep children and young people safe, including minimising the risk of harm and accidents and taking action to tackle safety concerns.

Safeguarding is also about being able to respond quickly and appropriately to concerns or allegations brought to the organisation, which means having the right policies and procedures in place to deal with difficult situations if they arise.

Hampshire Safeguarding Children Partnership provides relevant up to date information, National Guidance and a range of resources and training in safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people.

Worried about yourself, a friend or a child or young person you know?

For children living in the Hampshire Local Authority Area, the Inter-Agency Referral form should be used when making a referral:

The Hampshire Safeguarding Children Partnership and Children’s Trust Thresholds Chart can help you to identify the risks and types of services a family may need.

You do not need to know everything about the child before contacting Children’s Services. If you are concerned, it is important that you talk to someone about this.

More information on how to make a referral can be found on the HIPS procedures website.

In an emergency, call 999.

Hampshire Children’s Services

Public phone number: 0300 555 1384

Professionals should complete the online Inter-Agency Referral Form:

For urgent child protection enquiries, professionals can phone: 01329 225379. The FAQ section includes detailed information regarding the Children’s Reception Team (CRT) and the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH).

Concerned about someone working with children?

If you have a concern about a member of staff working with children (in either a paid or voluntary capacity), for information please refer to the Hampshire County website pages. Select the ‘Allegations against people in a position of trust’ tile which will take you to the initial enquiry or referral form. These forms are prioritised.

Report a serious childcare incident to Ofsted

Ofsted-registered childminders, nannies, nurseries and other daycare must use this service to report significant events affecting their childcare within 14 days. Go to Ofsted for further guidance.

Early Years Designated Safeguarding Lead Support Group

The aim of these meetings is to provide Early Years and Out of School childcare, Designated Safeguarding Leads with a forum to develop further their professional development.(CPD). The sessions provide a good opportunity to consider safeguarding roles and responsibilities for maintaining a safe and vigilant environment for children and staff. The sessions highlight lessons learned from recent OFSTED trends, serious case reviews and safeguarding incidents, along with any important information about updates concerning safeguarding policies and procedures. The sessions will be held on Microsoft Teams, facilitated by Inclusion Team Leaders (ITLs) and Childcare Development officers (CDOs).

Open to: All EYE Providers including EYE childminders, Out of School Clubs, Wraparound and HAF provision.

Note: Booking for support group sessions are through Eventbrite. Find the details on the Services for Young Children Calendar of Events page.

To access further safeguarding resources visit the Services for Young Children Moodle site. For access to the Moodle site contact [email protected]

Safeguarding Training

To access the Hampshire Safeguarding Children Partnership range of courses including e-learning. See the information below.

Early Years Safeguarding courses

The Learning Zone

The Learning Zone
Setting up an external Learning Zone account
New Learning Zone Getting Started guidance

Hampshire Safeguarding Children Partnership Virtual Learning Platform