General advice for Hampshire residents

General advice for Hampshire residents

Stay alert

We can all help control the virus if we all stay alert. This means you must:

  • stay at home as much as possible
  • work from home if you can
  • limit contact with other people
  • keep your distance if you go out (2 metres apart where possible)
  • wash your hands regularly

Self-isolate if you or anyone in your household has symptoms

Guidance for those who are clinically extremely vulnerable:

Please see the latest government guidance where you can check the current Covid alert level for your area and find advice on the best ways to keep yourself safe.

Personal Protective Equipment - How to stay safe and protect those around you:

Government advice:

Urgent advice

Use the 111 online coronavirus service if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • high temperature
  • new, continuous cough
  • loss or change to your sense of smell or taste
  • 111 will tell you what to do and help you get a test if you need one.

    Use the 111 online coronavirus service.

    Call 111 if you cannot get help online. Do not go to places like a GP surgery, hospital or pharmacy.