Clinical skills
Individuals who use services are reliant on the social and nursing care they receive to support their physical health, and well-being. Delivering care which is safe and effective is the base line for all services. Our clinical skills courses provide this foundational learning, and in addition provide evidenced based training to support nursing and social care which is person centred to promote the very best quality care.
The courses are written by qualified clinicians in collaboration with hospital departments and clinical experts. The courses are guided by current evidence based best practice in conjunction with NICE guidelines.
Diabetes awareness
This course has been designed to help you confidently provide safe & effective care to those you are working with, by providing greater knowledge of Type 1 & 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
Equip registered nurses with best practices in phlebotomy, including vein palpation, blood taking, and addressing common challenges. Earn CPD training hours for revalidation.
Medication administration in provider services
Safely administer medication: Reduce errors, assess pain, administer various forms of medication.
Adult urinary catheterisation
Urinary system anatomy, catheterization indications and contraindications, catheter types, accountability, and problem treatment. Includes simulation practice. 3.5 hours towards revalidation CPD.
Medication management for new managers
Understanding medication errors, their causes, and prevention. Managing and investigating errors, improving culture, and promoting safer care.
An introduction to wound care management and pressure ulcer prevention
Theory and practical sessions for clinical staff on wound identification, care planning, dressing selection, pressure ulcers & moisture damage management.