Booking Sir Harold Hillier Gardens – terms and conditions

The County Council welcomes the use of its centres by young people who are members of approved groups or organisations, and who are competently led by an approved leader who is responsible for their behaviour, conduct, safety and pastoral care.

The Council has to ensure that people using our centres: 

  • are competent to carry out their programme of activities so that safety is not compromised
  • are not responsible for any incident which could embarrass the excellent relationship which the centres have with the local community
  • respect the Gardens and other visitors

1.1 Bookings must be made via our website. Once the booking form has been submitted you will receive an email confirmation, but we advise customers to email [email protected] or telephone (01794 368787 option 3) and check availability before completing a booking form. A booking form is required with each booking.

1.2 The leader / person with pastoral responsibility named on the booking form must be aged over 18 years, hold the relevant qualifications and stay on-site with the group throughout their visit.

1.3 All schools and groups are expected to have had authorisation from the Headteacher or relevant head of establishment before confirming their booking.

1.4 A copy of our Generic Site Risk Assessment (Hazard Information Sheet) will be given to you at your pre-visit. Group leaders are responsible for carrying out their own risk assessment, based on the group they are bringing, and should keep this for their own records.

1.5 On arrival at the Centre, the group leader will be met by the Education Team. Group leaders are expected to inform the staff immediately if there have been any changes to their previous special needs declaration (on the booking form).


2.1 We will invoice you after your visit.

2.2 Group leaders are responsible for payment of all charges, including loss or malicious/careless damage caused during the stay.

2.3 Missing items will automatically be charged for on your invoice and a credit will be sent if the items are returned.

Cancellation by Centre

3.1 The Centre reserves the right to cancel your booking due to adverse weather conditions or factors out of our control. If we have to cancel your booking we will try to organise an alternative date.

3.2 We will not charge you, but please ensure your insurance will cover any other possible expenses.

Cancellation by customer

4.1 All cancellations must be made in writing to the Centre (email is acceptable).

4.2 A change of date or significant change to booking constitutes cancellation.

4.3 Please note the Centre operates the following cancellation procedure:

  • 4.31 Cancellation 8 weeks or more prior to confirmed booking = loss of booking fee
  • 4.32 Cancellation 8 weeks or less prior to confirmed booking = you will be charged the minimum fees for your proposed visit, based on the information supplied on your booking form
Physical fitness/safety

5.1 We pride ourselves on adapting our programmes to the needs of our groups. We can only do this, however, if you make us aware of your group’s needs.

5.2 If there are any relevant medical or behavioural conditions relating to yourself or your group you must inform us when making your booking.

5.4 All groups must comply with the safety regulations, operating procedures and instructions of Centre staff.

5.5 We occasionally take photographs of participants for publicity, including on our own website. We will discuss this with you before proceeding.

5.6 Please review our Behaviour Policy. Misbehaviour may result in participants being excluded from a session or from further activities. We will discuss the situation with the group leader and they may be required to remove the participant from the Centre. The Duty Manager’s decision will be final, no refund will be made.

5.7 Visitors shall not cause damage to the premises or any other real or personal property, or in a way that may cause personal injury to any person.

5.8 Any electrical equipment brought on site and used there shall be safe and in good working order, and used in a safe manor compliant with any health and safety requirements of Hampshire County Council which relate to the premises.


6.1 If you decide to cancel before or during your stay due to the weather then you will be charged the full cost.

6.2 Every effort will be made by the Centre to ensure that your stay is as comfortable as reasonably possible. There are procedures in place should the weather impact on your stay. In the event of severe weather it may be necessary to amend your activity programme, curtail your stay or for your group to return home.

6.3 Our staff have local knowledge and experience of varying weather conditions so will be happy to advise you on your programme in relation to the weather, or other matters.


7.1 It is your responsibility to arrange appropriate insurance against cancellation, curtailment, personal accident, personal liability and theft. We strongly recommend this.

7.2 Hampshire County Council accepts no liability in relation to loss, damage or injury suffered by participants in the course of activities, except where such loss, damage or injury arose as a direct result of Hampshire County Council, its servants' or agents' negligence.

7.3 Personal property is left on site at owners’ risk.

7.4 We must be notified of lost property within 2 weeks as any items found are disposed of after this period.


8.1 No animals (with the exception of guide dogs) are to be brought into the Education Centre or gardens.


9.1 The buildings are all non-smoking and this includes the use of e-cigarettes. It is against the law to smoke in any public building. Smoking is not permitted within sight of the students.

Errors, Omissions, VAT Rates

10.1 We endeavour to keep published prices and other information up to date but reserve the right to alter them at any time. You will be advised of any price changes or other relevant changes when your booking is processed and will be given the opportunity then to cancel or make amendments if desired, without penalty.

10.2 VAT will be charged at the prevailing rate at the time of your visit.

Data Protection

The data you provide will be treated in accordance with the UK Data Protection Legislation. Your data will only be used to process your booking and will be destroyed within 7 years. The legal basis for our use of this information is ‘Performance of a Public Interest Task’. Full details can be found on the Hampshire County Council website.


12.1 The failure of the Centre to insist upon strict performance of any provision of the Contract, or the failure of the Centre to exercise, or any delay in exercising, any right or remedy shall not constitute a waiver of that right or remedy and shall not cause a diminution of the obligations established by the Contract.

12.2 No waiver shall be effective unless it is expressly stated to be a waiver and communicated in writing.

12.3 A waiver of any right or remedy arising from a breach of the Contract shall not constitute a waiver of any right or remedy arising from any other or subsequent breach of the Contract.

Acceptance of booking conditions

All bookings are accepted on condition that the customer agrees to abide by our booking conditions and confirms this acceptance on the booking form.

I have read the terms and conditions.