Report something else to Hampshire County Council Highways
We’re sorry that you have not been able to find the service area that you’re looking for. If you would like to report an issue on land maintained by Hampshire Highways, report it to us using the form below.
There will be an opportunity on the form to provide us with a description of the issue and the location. You should provide as much information as possible as this will help us to find the issue and assess the actions required.
Will I be updated on progress?
After submitting your report, you will not receive further updates. Should you wish to track the progress of your enquiry or provide additional comments, you can do so using our Status Checker.
You should not report the same issue more than once or contact us for general updates, as this will add further pressure to our services.
How should I report my issue?
To report a highways emergency that poses an immediate risk to the public, call either:
- 0300 555 1388 (8:30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday)
- 101 if outside of office hours
If you are reporting an issue that is very likely to present an imminent threat to life, serious injury or serious damage to property; report this emergency by calling 999.
For all other issues, you should use the following form: