Apply for a banner consent

Consent to erect banner/bunting on the public highway

What is it for

This consent grants permission to erect or hang a banner over the public highway.

Who can apply

Only registered charities or those working on behalf of a non-profit organisation can apply.

Before you apply

The consented banner shall not advertise any event product or business that is of a commercial nature without the relevant planning permission required for advertisements. Any such wording or logo size and content shall also be agreed with the Highway Authority or its Agent. Banners of a purely advertisement or commercial nature are not permitted. Please note, Banner consent is not required for Neighbour Watch signs. Residents interested in installing these signs should contact the local area coordinator.

The precise location where the banner/bunting is to be erected must be stated. Alternatively, the applicant can supply a plan which clearly identifies the location where the banner/bunting is to be erected.

No consent will be granted where the banner/bunting is to be attached to a bridge parapet. 

The consent will only be granted to the individual or firm making the application. It cannot be transferred to any other person or firm.

The applicant shall have at least £5 million public liability insurance.

The applicant may be required to provide details of any risk assessment or any signing and guarding that may be required prior to the approval of the consent.

If consent is provided, further approval may be required from Enerveo if the banner or bunting is to be attached to a lamp column.

Please note: Enerveo will no longer be able to give approval for third party attachments on any cast iron columns. This will include, festive lighting, hanging baskets, banners, cameras or any additional signs

Cast iron columns can be difficult to identity. Some cast iron style columns may look like cast iron but are actually steel with embellishments added to give the illusion of age.

It is the applicant's responsibility to obtain this approval from Enerveo.

Visit the Enerveo Website.

Banner sites

Below is a list of approved banner sites in Hampshire. Should you wish to request one of these locations, there is an opportunity on the webform to state this.

Reference Area Location Notes
 Site 1 Petersfield The railings by Tesco on the Causeway  
 Site 2 Petersfield Tor Way by the swimming pool  
 Site 3 Petersfield Market Square outside the Post Office  
 Site 4 Petersfield Sheet link roundabout  
 Site 5 Alton Draymans Way by Sainsburys  
Site 6  New Milton Station Road/Ashley Road/Old Milton Road Junction  
 Site 7 New Milton Old Milton Road/Whitefield Road by Fire Station  
 Site 8 Totton Commercial Road in front of number 7  
 Site 9 Ringwood High Street between 47-49 and 48-50 Displayed across the highway
 Site 10 Hythe Pylewell Road between no 7 and no 52 Displayed across the highway
 Site 11 Romsey The Hundred between 28 and 19 Displayed across the highway
 Site 12 Romsey Bell Street at the entrance to road Displayed across the highway
 Site 13 Eastleigh Hursley Road/ Pine Road Pedestrian barrier: Required to leave end panels clear
 Site 14 Eastleigh  Toynbee School Pedestrian barrier: middle panels only
 Site 15 Eastleigh Woodside Avenue/Goodwood Road railings Pedestrian barrier: Required to leave end panels clear
 Site 16 Eastleigh  Oakmount Road/Leigh Road Pedestrian barrier: railings in front of traffic signals
 Site 17 Eastleigh Oakmount Road/Junction Saxon Walk  
 Site 18 Eastleigh Oakmount Road/ Pets Corner/Waitrose Display on the Waitrose side only
 Site 19 Eastleigh Winchester Road/Subway Railings Display on both sides
 Site 20 Eastleigh Winchester Road/Over Subway railings Display on both sides
 Site 21 Eastleigh Hocombe Road/Winchester Road From Hocombe Road up to lamp column 92 only

Conditions of consent

Made under Section 178 of the Highways Act 1980

  1. The banner/bunting shall be placed so as to avoid undue obstruction and interference with users of the highway and shall not block sight lines. Where the banner/bunting is erected over any part of the highway it shall be at least 5.2m clear of the highest point of the highway (including a publicly maintainable precinct, or similar) or 3.5m clear of the highest point of a footway or similar and must be securely fixed in such a manner so as to restrict undue movement
  2. The banner/bunting shall be designed and erected with due regard to a comprehensive risk assessment. Such risk assessment shall take particular account of the erection, maintenance and removal of the banner/bunting and the effect of and on all types of traffic that will pass under or nearby the banner/bunting. Proof of compliance with such may be required by the Highway Authority prior to granting the consent and at any point in the duration of the consent
  3. The erection, removal and maintenance of any banner/bunting shall be signed and guarded at all times, in accordance with the requirements described in Chapter 8 of the Traffic Signs Manual.The Highway Authority may require signing and guarding proposals prior to the approval of the consent 
  4. No part of the highway shall be excavated without obtaining the prior express and specific permission of the Highway Authority
  5. The applicant shall ensure that the banner/bunting does not cause a danger or nuisance to the public
  6. Except where agreed as part of this consent no part of the highway may be closed at any time without the express and specific consent of the highway authority
  7. Any request for an extension to the period for which the consent has been granted must be made by submitting a further application to the Highway Authority at least 48 hours (excluding Saturday and Sunday and Bank Holidays) prior to the expiry of the existing consent .
  8. The applicant shall indemnify the Highway Authority against all liability, loss, claim or proceeding whatsoever arising under the statute or common law, which may arise from the placing, maintenance or removal of banner/bunting over the highway
  9. The applicant shall hold public liability insurance for the duration of the consent in an amount not less than £5 million in respect of each and every occurrence or series of occurrences caused by or attributable to any event giving rise to a claim
  10. The applicant shall accept liability for any damage caused to the highway by the banner/bunting or by the erection, removal or maintenance of the banner/bunting and any such damage shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the Highway Authority at the expense of the consent holder
  11. Any alterations to a consented banner/bunting shall cause the consent to be withdrawn unless the Highway Authority first agrees such alterations. Where such alterations are to be made the applicant shall seek the consent of the Highway Authority in writing giving full details of the alterations proposed
  12. Nothing in this consent permits the applicant to interfere with or prevent or restrict access to apparatus owned, used or maintained by Statutory Undertakers
  13. The consented banner/bunting shall not advertise any event product or business that is of a commercial nature without the relevant planning permission required for advertisements. Any such wording or logo size and content shall also be agreed with the Highway Authority in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements)(England) Regulations 2007or any amendment thereto or superseding legislation. Banners/bunting of a purely advertising nature are not permitted
  14. It is the applicant's responsibility to obtain the necessary permission from any property owners to which the banner/bunting will be attached or overhang. Where the banner/bunting is attached to such property the applicant shall be responsible for any damage caused to property by the banner/bunting whilst it is present, including during erection and removal of the banner/bunting
  15. No part of the banner/bunting shall be attached to any street furniture or lighting column without separate express and specific permission from the Highway Authority. Where such permission is granted the applicant shall comply with all conditions attached to the permission
  16. No part of the banner/ bunting shall be attached to a bridge parapet.
  17. Nothing in this consent absolves the applicant from obtaining Planning Permission where such is required
  18. The Highway Authority may request a qualified structural engineers report at the applicant's expense to certify that the fixture to which the banner/bunting is attached is structurally strong enough to support its own weight and the loading of any wind or precipitation


  • The ‘highway’ can include the carriageway, footway and any verge
  • If the applicant objects to these conditions or a refusal by the Highway Authority to approve a consent then he may appeal to the magistrates’ court

  • £82
  • Per consent

If you would like to cancel your application after submission, you may not be entitled to a full refund if work has already commenced to process it.

You will receive an automated receipt when paying for this service. No VAT is charged as this is a non-business service and the VAT is classed as ‘out-of-scope’. However, should it be required for your records, Hampshire County Council’s VAT number is GB 189 4068 22.


If you're happy you understand the conditions and charges.

Upon application you will be required to pay the fee. Please have your payment details ready before submitting your application.