Filming on Highways

Guide to filming on Hampshire’s highways

Please note that Hampshire County Council does not issue filming permits.

We have three categories of filming on highways:

  • Highways filming for general visuals/within highways regulations
  • traffic managed filming/managed highways filming
  • road closures for filming/street furniture removal/roads prepared
Highways filming general visuals/within highways regulations

You can do some filming on the highway without having to inform the highways team:

  • general visuals which will not obstruct pedestrians or public vehicles on the highway
  • within a vehicle that is abiding by the highway laws
  • where traffic management is not required

Check if there are any events, roadworks or temporary road closures planned when you want to film.

Cables on/over the Highway

Should you require any cables to be placed on or over the Highway then additional consent is required.

When applying for this consent it is a requirement that;

  • The applicant shall hold £5 million public liability insurance
  • Provide a plan showing the precise location where the cables are to be erected
  • When the application is reviewed, if required, you may also be asked to provide the following additional documentation;
  • A risk assessment
  • Signing and guarding proposals
Traffic Managed filming / Managed Highways filming

If you need a road to be controlled for up to 15 minutes, inform the Highways team at least one month in advance.

Provide the following information:

  • timings and dates of filming (including set up and strike)
  • proposed road(s) for filming
  • detailed description of highways filming taking place, type of driving undertaken
  • reason why the road needs to be controlled
  • your traffic management plan
  • traffic management company
  • detail of removal of street furniture required
  • number of crew and cast
  • filming equipment you'll be using
  • confirmation that you hold public liability insurance
Road closures for filming/street furniture removal/roads prepared

If you have a larger production which requires the road to be closed to film safely, contact the Highways team at least six weeks in advance. You will need to pay for a road closure. The Highways Team will provide full details.

Provide the following information:

  • timings and dates of filming (including set up and strike)
  • proposed road(s) for filming
  • detailed description of highways filming taking place, type of driving undertaken
  • reason why the road needs to be closed
  • your traffic management plan
  • traffic management company
  • detail of removal of street furniture required
  • number of crew and cast
  • filming equipment you'll be using
  • confirmation that you hold public liability insurance