Extent of the highway search
If you need to know if an area is a publicly maintainable highway
For maintenance issues, report a problem.
- How highways are defined
The council has a register of the highways which are maintained at public expense.
The list does not record the limits of the highway.
The definition of public highway is:
a way over which all members of the public have a right to pass and repass.
The most common are footpaths, bridleways and full vehicular use highways.
The public highway usually extends over the whole width of a road, footway, verge and other land up to the boundaries of adjoining properties and fields.
- Process
If formal adoption records exist as is the case with most developments since 1948 then this simplifies the task as plans and maps will form part of the documentation and provide information as to the areas of land adopted by the Highway Authority.
Where no such plans exist, then evidence of the status needs to be established by undertaking research into a variety of records. It is often complex and time consuming involving research into historic records of various types. Many documents may have to be consulted and on occasion a site visit may be required.
- What the search provides
A plan indicating the extent of the publicly maintainable highway, shown shaded pink, covering the specific area of your enquiry. The plan you will be provided is A4 in size at scale 1:1250 to 1:2500.
- Timescales
We can offer a standard search which has a target response time of 20 working days. Alternatively you can request an expedited service which has a target response time of 5 working days.
Your fast track application will only be processed if you pay upfront online.
If it is not possible to provide a response within 5 working days the applicant will be advised within 2 working days and the fee refunded.
- Charges
From 1 July 2022, VAT is being added to our charge for this service.
- Standard application: 20 working days
- £92
- + VAT
- Fast track service: 5 working days
- £333.50
- + VAT
If you would like to cancel your application after submission, you may not be entitled to a full refund if work has already commenced to process it.
Your fast track application will only be processed if online payment is received.For standard applications charges and timescales relate to A4 plans at scale 1:2500. Should you require a plan for larger areas you will be contacted following submission of your application as we may require an additional fee and processing time to complete your request.
For Fast Track applications charges and timescales relate to A4 plans at the scale of only 1:2500.
Should it be required for your records Hampshire County Council’s VAT number is GB 189 4068 22
- Apply
If you are happy you understand the process and charges: