Cart and Horses Junction Improvements, Winchester
Developing proposals to improve the junction
Last update: February 2025
- Scheme overview
The Cart and Horses junction in Kings Worthy is a staggered priority junction located on the A33 where it intersects the B3047. In light of the proposed highway changes by National Highways at M3 Junction 9, and a strong local desire to see the junction redesigned to better accommodate vehicular movements the County Council has developed proposals to improve the junction.
At the Cart and Horses junction initial optioneering design work has been undertaken to examine different junction options in light of the National Highways proposed changes to the A30 as part of the M3 Junction 9 project. The design options are for either a signalised junction, or two compact roundabouts.
As part of the M3 Junction 9 Development Consent Order (DCO) Examination in 2023 the County Council made representations, which is a matter of public record, that National Highways should incorporate the improvements to Cart & Horses junction as part of their scheme or make a financial contribution to the scheme.
The M3 Junction 9 Improvement application was granted development consent by the Secretary of State on Thursday 16 May 2024. Despite the evidence submitted by the County Council the Examining Authority and Secretary of State did not consider that mitigation was required for the Cart and Horses junction and so the scheme remains unfunded. The County Council will look to work with the Local Planning Authority and National Highways to identify if other funding opportunities exist.
The County Council will work with National Highways to manage the construction impact of the M3 Junction 9 project. Further information on the M3 Junction 9 project can be found on the National Highways scheme webpage; M3 junction 9 improvements - National Highways.
- Feedback Survey Results
- The report summarises key findings from the engagement feedback survey which was open from 10 July and closed on 17 September 2023. This was an opportunity for local residents and businesses to provide their views on the proposed improvement scheme. The information pack is still available to view.
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- Name Highways, Engineering and Transport
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