Clanfield Village Improvements

Improving accessibility and making it pleasant for all that travel through the village.

Last update: September 2024

Clanfield Package of Improvements - Schemes Overview

Peel Park Community Centre Access Improvements, Clanfield

At the Petersfield Lane junction with Chalton Lane there is an informal crossing and leading up to Peel Park, there is a footpath and steps leading up to Peel Park. The community centre and play area was identified as needing access improvements, as the steps make this route inaccessible for people using mobility aids or pushchairs. This scheme aims to improve the access to Peel Park for people that walk and cycle on a footpath which would ramp up to the park at Chalton Lane crossing and provide better access to the entrance of Peel Park Community Centre.

Please view the location plan.

Clanfield Sunderton Lane  - Traffic Calming

Sunderton Lane is currently used as a rat run, as alternatives to South Lane and Green Lane.  This residential road within the village of Clanfield has a 30mph speed limit and runs between Chalton Lane in the north and Drift Road in the south. The aim of this scheme is to influence driver behaviour by making drivers think about their speed and drive appropriately through the village. This would potentially reduce traffic speeds through these residential roads in the village.

The proposals for the improvements;
To install continuous footways at both ends of the Sunderton Lane. Continuous footways aim to change driver behaviour, by giving pedestrians the right of way when crossing the lane entrances requiring vehicles to slow down on the approach and give way. This option would also create a pedestrian friendly environment for those going to Peel Park on Chalton Lane, as part of a scheme aiming to enhance access to the park. Traffic Regulation Order would be required to apply double yellow lines to prevent parking in the vicinity of the build-outs.

Please view the location plan.

Clanfield Dropped Kerbs

A community street audit was undertaken to asses a range of accessibility issues in Clanfield.  A total of 35 locations were assessed where there was either no informal pedestrian crossing points or where crossing points were located but did not have flushed dropped kerbs.  19 of these locations have had the flush dropped kerbs installed and the remaining 16 to be implemented at the following locations;

  • Hambledon Road and Drift Road junction;
  • Hambledon Road and South Lane junction;
  • South Lane and Sword Close junction;
  • South Lane and Drift Road junction;
  • Drift Road and Trafalgar Rise junction;
  • Drift Road and Farm View Avenue junction;
  • Drift Road and Sunderton Lane junction;
  • Drift Road and Green Lane roundabout (all arms of the roundabout, four dropped kerbs);
  • Drift Road and Chalk Ridge junction;
  • Drift Road and Valley Park Drive (both junctions);
  • London Road and Elderberry Close junction;
  • London Road and Blackberry Close junction.

All of these are located on roads with 30mph speed limits.  Please view the location plan.
(Locations may be subject to change).

The package of improvement works are expected to start late summer / early autumn 2024.

Funding Arrangements
Funding for the transport capital delivery schemes is separate from the County Council’s revenue budget and savings proposals. In the majority of cases funding comes from external grants and / or Section 106 contribution from developers. This funding usually has conditions that strictly control on how, where and when it can be spent.
Roadworks and Travel Advice

Visit One.Network which is where the planned works are published and is an independent platform that allows real-time monitoring of all the UK’s roadworks and diversions.


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Hampshire County Council
The Castle

SO23 8UD