Clifton Terrace Crossing, Winchester
Proposal for a traffic signal controlled crossing of Romsey Road at the junction with Clifton Terrace in Winchester
Last update: January 2025
- Latest updates
Experimental Trial Monitoring Update
Extensive monitoring and traffic analysis before and after the introduction of the experiment trial has been undertaken.
Please view the following;
This data, combined with the feedback from the scheme consultation will be assessed in due course with a view to making it permanent. Further updates will be posted on the webpage.
Public Notice of Experimental Order
Romsey Road, Clifton Terrace and Clifton Hill, Winchester one-way traffic and prohibition of right / left turns have been created under an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO). The order will come into force on 15 March 2024 and continue in force until 14 September 2025.
This process provided an opportunity for people to contribute their views and anyone who was opposed to the restrictions could submit an objection. This closed on 14 September 2024.
For further information; read the public notice .All comments received is being considered carefully and will help to determine whether the restrictions should continue in force indefinitely, whether to modify the arrangements, or whether to revert back to the original arrangement.
Hampshire County Council appointed Rocon Contractor Ltd to carry out the installation of the puffin crossing on Romsey Road and and cycle contraflow lane (going against the vehicular flow of traffic) improvement works on Clifton Terrace. The works started on 5 February 2024 and took six weeks to complete.
The highway improvement works associated with the new puffin controlled pedestrian crossing on Romsey Road;- Temporary tactile paving;
- Traffic signals;
- New road markings;
- New signage.
Works along Clifton Terrace;
- New cycle path;
- New signage;
- New road markings;
- Resurfacing the relocated parking bays.
Parking will be suspended permanently on the southern section of Clifton Terrace and parking will be relocated to the northern section. Please the Traffic Regulation Order plan showing the permanent parking suspension and exact parking relocation.
A temporary trial/experimental traffic regulation order will be in place for a maximum period of up to 18 months. Residents will be able to make formal representations/objections during the first six-month period (after the completion of the construction works).
Further Information on the Planned Experimental Trial
The aim of the scheme will be to provide a safe and improved crossing for pedestrians and vulnerable users. The trial road layout changes will include a cycle contraflow lane (going against the vehicular flow of traffic) along Clifton Terrace. Please view the plans and the FAQs.
To accommodate the new experimental crossing, the trial will also consist of the following;
- Clifton Terrace will be made “No Entry” from Romsey Road and traffic (except for bicycles) would be only permitted to turn right when exiting from Clifton Terrace.
- Traffic will also be prohibited from entering Clifton Hill from the Clifton Terrace junction (except for bicycles);
- Traffic travelling from Clifton Hill will only be permitted to turn right into Clifton Terrace (except for bicycles);
A section of on-street parking will be relocated from the southern section of Clifton Terrace to the northern section of Clifton Terrace, near Allison Way.
There will be extensive monitoring and traffic analysis before and after the introduction of the experimental trial. Please view the monitoring plan. This data, combined with the feedback from the scheme consultation, will be assessed with a view to making it permanent.
The Director of Universal Services formally approved the Project Appraisal on 22 August 2023. Please view the Decision Report.
- Scheme overview
This scheme looks to provide a traffic signal controlled crossing of Romsey Road at the junction with Clifton Terrace in Winchester.
The junction is located on the north side of Romsey Road just west of the railway bridge and during peak times in particular is a busy location for local traffic as well as large numbers of pedestrians, cyclists and vulnerable road users looking to cross Romsey Road. The existing footways in Clifton Terrace link to a footpath on the south side of Romsey Road which runs parallel to the railway cutting. This footpath provides an important link from the train station and Peter Symonds College to the residential area of north west. Winchester and Winchester University campus and accommodation blocks.
The existing junction with Clifton Terrace consists of a wide bellmouth to a steep uphill section with on-street parking along both sides of the carriageway. The close proximity of the rail bridge parapets to the east restricts visibility and also the space available to site a crossing near the junction but still on the desire line for the large numbers of pedestrians, cyclist and other vulnerable road users wanting to cross Romsey Road. Therefore to provide a controlled crossing to the required standards at this location it will be necessary to modify the road junction and restrict some traffic movements.
Following the feedback received during the survey of the Winchester Active Travel consultation and further Q&A session held with local residents in March 2021 and engagement with the local cycling and walking groups. The draft layout plan will be published here in the near future.
In order to assess a realistic impact the scheme will have on the roads in the area, it is proposed that Phase 1 will consist of a temporary traffic management trial for a maximum period of up to 18 months. It is possible that this period is likely to be shorter. This will be done with assistance of an experimental traffic restriction order, which will allow residents to make formal representations/objections during a 6 month consultation period. If the scheme is deemed successful during the consultation period, then it will be progressed to Phase 2 which would be the construction of the permanent layout.
Extensive monitoring of this scheme will be undertaken and these results will be compared with previous monitoring which was undertaken in Autumn 2022.
The previous surveys included:- Traffic counts on roads impacted by the scheme both in the immediate vicinity and the wider Fulflood area;
- Turning counts at key junctions;
- Pedestrian and cyclist counts of the number of people crossing Andover Road;
Once the temporary traffic management trial has been in place for a suitable period, the traffic surveys will be repeated in the same locations. This will enable us to analyse how and where traffic flows have changed and will support the evaluation of the scheme.
The success of the traffic management trial will be assessed by comments and representations received during the trial as well as monitoring the impact of traffic within the local in the area.
Further updates regarding the timing and the progress of the scheme will be provided on this webpage. - Feedback Survey Results
The Clifton Terrace crossing improvement feedback survey was incorporated as part of the Winchester Movement Strategy, views on the proposals in Winchester took place in February/March 2021. The feedback survey has closed but you can still read the information pack. The feedback survey results can now be viewed in the findings report.
Following on from the feedback survey, a further Q&A session was held with local residents in March 2021. Engagement with the local cycling and walking groups has been ongoing to seek their views on the design proposal.
- Funding Arrangements
- Funding for the transport capital delivery schemes is separate from the County Council’s revenue budget and savings proposals. In the majority of cases funding comes from external grants and / or Section 106 contribution from developers. This funding usually has conditions that strictly control on how, where and when it can be spent.
- Roadworks and Travel Advice
Visit One.Network which is where the planned works are published and is an independent platform that allows real-time monitoring of all the UK’s roadworks and diversions.
My Journey - travel information and travel advice choices in Hampshire.
- Contact us
- Name Highways, Engineering and Transport
- Email [email protected]
- Phone 0300 555 1388 (0300 555 1390: Minicom)
Universal Services
Hampshire County Council
The Castle
SO23 8UD