Petition - Speeding on Cranmore Lane, Aldershot
Response from Hampshire County Council, October 2023
Thank you for submitting the recent petition in which you request that a traffic survey be undertaken to help justify speed enforcement cameras on Cranmore Lane.
I should clarify that the Hampshire Constabulary, as the Enforcement Authority, have sole responsibility for speed enforcement, including the deployment of fixed and mobile safety cameras. The County Council’s role as Highway Authority includes responsibility for setting speed limits and implementing and maintaining highway measures.
Despite local perceptions, the safety history on Cranmore Lane has remained good in relation to many other routes in the County. To date there has been no justification for further traffic or highway safety measures beyond those already in place.
The County Council’s policy is to prioritise safety improvements towards those sites where evidence clearly indicates that it will offer direct benefits in terms of road casualty reduction. Traffic and Safety improvements are primarily focussed on those sites where there is a related road casualty collision history and where a treatable pattern or common causation of casualty collisions can be identified, which establishes the basis for the highest priority for funding being given to locations where recurring injury accidents are happening now.
Although there is not a significant history of collisions resulting in injury at this location, we will install additional warning signs on the approach to Cranmore Lane and Alverstoke Gardens.
We frequently receive requests for additional speed limit signs and markings to be installed within street-lit 30mph areas. Unfortunately, the regulations that govern the signing of speed limits, specifically prohibit the use of 30mph speed limit repeater signing (including painted 30mph roundels on the road surface) within street lit areas. The regulations stipulate that 30mph signs and markings can only be used at terminal points (where a speed limit changes to 30mph from a different limit, such as 40mph). The presence of a system of street lighting alone means that the road is automatically subject to a 30mph speed limit. The Highway Code and legislation outline this position and the system of street lighting forms the visible indication of a 30mph speed limit. Any repeater signing placed in this area would impact the legality of the speed limit rendering the restriction unenforceable by the Police.
Traffic speed enforcement is the sole responsibility of the Police. Where you are concerned that traffic is travelling appreciably higher than the speed limit then we recommend that you report your concerns directly to the Police who will consider the appropriate level of enforcement for this location. Please use the link to their web site where you can report your concerns as a non-urgent matter.
With regards to your concerns regarding parking, any new or extended parking restrictions require implementation of a Traffic Regulation Order, which is the legal instrument that local authorities use to implement enforceable restrictions on the highway. The Traffic Order process involves any proposed changes being formally advertised, giving local people the opportunity to support or object to proposals. Past experience has shown that parking controls within residential areas can be very contentious and often generate high levels of objections, particularly in locations where off-road parking is limited. In light of your concerns, however, I will ask the Traffic Team to review the condition of the existing parking lines and arrange for any worn or damaged lining to be remarked to ensure that the restrictions are clear to drivers. I will also ask that our Parking team ensure that the area is visited by our Civil Enforcement Officers to enforce the existing parking controls in the area.
Please note you can report a parking contravention online.
With regards to the directional and cycle signage, the system of roads classification is intended to direct motorists towards the most suitable routes for reaching their destination. It does this by identifying roads that are best suited for traffic. Cranmore Lane is classified as a B road (e B3008), which is of significance to traffic (including through traffic), but less so than an A road.
Rushmoor Borough Council now have a licence with Hampshire County Council which gives consent to deploy speed indicator devices on the highway. One of the speed indicator devices has now been installed on Cranmore Lane and will remain in place for approximately 3 weeks. Speed Indicator devices have proved successful in helping raise road users awareness of the need to check their speed.
Yours sincerely
Councillor Adams-King
Executive Lead Member for Universal Services