Working in a consortium
Guidance for organisations and businesses who have formed, or are considering forming, a consortium for the purposes of tendering for a contract with us
Forming a consortium
We recognise and support the opportunity for organisations or businesses to form a consortium for the purposes of tendering.
There are many factors you need to consider and prepare for when forming or joining a consortium.
At Selection stage or as part of an Open Tender process, you will need to answer questions about your consortium. These will include:
- the structure of your consortium (such as a new legal entity, lead organisation)
- the members of your consortium
Preparing your consortium
To review your proposed consortium arrangements, we may need further evidence about its structure and operation. This may include:
- copies of documents such as joint working agreements
- memorandum of understanding
- governance arrangements
Without the required evidence we may exclude your Selection questionnaire (PQQ) or tender submission. Make sure you agree your proposed consortium arrangements and documentation with all members.
Assessing your consortium at Selection Stage or as part of an Open Tender
We will consider evidence and information from a consortium which is jointly and severally liable (such as a new legal entity). It must relate to all questions in the Selection Questionnaire (SQ) or Open Tender.
For all forms of consortia which are not jointly and severally liable; we will consider evidence and information from within the consortium for all questions except Financial Standing. We only assess the financial information of the lead organisation, who directly contracts with us. We may also need further guarantees such as:
- a parent company guarantee
- performance bond or
- co-lateral warranty from all or some of the consortia members
Changes to the consortium's membership
We recognise arrangements in relation to consortia may be subject to future change. When completing your SQ and/or tender, your response should show the arrangements currently in place.
You must immediately notify us of any proposed changes to your consortium membership or structure. We will review and consider the changes and will assess what impact this has on your submission. We reserve the right to exclude your SQ and tender submission at any stage during a tender process based on these changes.