Parish Pages

Parish pages
The Parish Pages are here to help parish and town councils find information about rights of way, countryside management and funding opportunities
Search for a key word, use the filters or browse the topics to help you find the information you need.
Parish Pollinator Pledge
Find out how your Parish or Town Council can help Hampshire's pollinators to thrive
Countryside Access Parish Delivery Partnership
A scheme to help parish and town councils deliver access improvements on rights of way in Hampshire
Rights of way maps
View the maps online or search to download a copy of the Definitive Map for your area
View, report and track problems
Stay on top of the problems in your area. Create an account or log in to report or track problems, send photos, add comments and receive email updates
Common problems
A breakdown of the common problems that crop up on all path networks
Who’s responsible
Find out what powers are available to Parish and Town Councils and what responsibilities other organisations have
Become a path warden
Help keep local paths accessible and enjoyable for the community
Volunteer with the Countryside Service
Find a wide range of volunteering opportunities, from conservation and estate management tasks to research and engagement roles
What is countryside access?
The basic historical, geographical and legal framework for countryside access in Hampshire
Dogs at countryside locations
Find out how we help to manage dogs in the countryside
Countryside Access Plan
Policies and actions to improve countryside access in Hampshire
Legal records of access
Background to the often perplexing world of the definitive map and access maps and how you can get involved in making changes to the map