Hampshire Community Safety Strategy Group (HCSSG)
Part of the statutory governance arrangements relating to the community safety responsibilities of the County Council and its partners
Chaired by the Director of Adults' Health and Care, the HCSSG has established a programme of work addressing key responsibilities contained in the Crime and Disorder Act 1998, including:
- completion of a multi-agency Strategic Assessment of Community Safety
- publication of a County Agreement for Community Safety
The purpose of the Strategic Assessment is to gather evidence upon which to agree strategic priorities relating to current and emerging risks, threats and vulnerabilities. The Strategic Assessment will be the basis for the preparation of the Hampshire County Agreement for Community Safety. This will set out how partnership activity is co-ordinated at the county level to address the strategic priorities. The County Agreement will complement strategies at the district level. HCSSG membership includes representation from a wide range of partner organisations.
Hampshire County Council
- Adults' Health and Care (Hampshire County Council corporate lead and chair)
- Children's and Education Services
- Public Health
- Trading Standards
- Supporting Families
- Emergency Planning
- Youth Offending
- Mental Health
Partner organisations
- District and borough councils
- Hampshire Partnership
- Clinical Commissioning Group
- Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
- Hampshire Constabulary
- National Probation Service
- Hampshire and Isle of Wight Community Rehabilitation Company
- HM Prison Service
- Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service
- Hampshire Civilian Military Partnership
- Communities First Wessex
- Hampshire Community Engagement Forum
- Hampshire Safeguarding Children's Board
- Hampshire Safeguarding Adult Board
- Hampshire Prevent Partnership Board
Hampshire Strategic Assessment for Community Safety 2019/20
The Hampshire Community Safety Strategic Assessment 2019-20 covers the geographic area of Hampshire County Council. It is commissioned by the Hampshire Community Safety Strategy Group which includes a wide range of partner agencies who have responsibilities for promoting community safety in the area. The Strategic Assessment provides a high-level, overarching narrative and complements more detailed assessments and evidence used by individual thematic and local partnerships in addressing various aspects of community safety.
The Hampshire Community Safety Agreement
This document sets out how partnership activity is co-ordinated at the county level to address the strategic priorities in the Strategic Assessment. The County Agreement complements strategies at the district level.