Exclusion from school

A parent's guide to the exclusions process

This can be a very upsetting, difficult and worrying time for you and your child. This guidance explains:

  • what you can do if you want to talk to the school about the exclusion
  • what you can do if you disagree with the exclusion
  • what you can do to prevent further exclusion
  • where you can go for further advice and support
Definition of exclusion

Exclusion means that a pupil is not allowed to attend school or go on to school premises for a period of time or permanently.

More about permanent and fixed period exclusion from school

Reasons for exclusion

Your child should only have been excluded:

  • in response to serious or persistent breaches of the school’s behaviour policy and
  • where allowing him or her to remain in school would seriously harm the education and welfare of your child or others in the school

More about the reasons for a decision to exclude a pupil from school

Behaviour and attendance guidance for parents and carers

The school will contact you about the exclusion

The headteacher or their nominated representative will let you know immediately (generally by telephone) about the length of the exclusion and the reason for it.

More about the information the school will give you

What to do after the exclusion
If your child has been excluded you can make all the difference in getting your child back on track and helping them to be successful.

Work will be set by the school for your child to complete at home during the first five days of the exclusion (it is your responsibility to ensure completed work is returned to the school for marking).

More about what you should do after exclusion

What to do if you disagree with the exclusion

If you disagree with the decision to exclude your child from school your options include:

  • requesting an appointment with the headteacher to discuss your concerns and to ask them to reconsider the exclusion
  • asking the school governors to review the decision

More about what to do if you disagree with the exclusion

The governors’ discipline committee meeting

The governors' committee which meets to review exclusions is known as the governors’ discipline committee and consists of at least three governors. If the exclusion is between six and fifteen days in a term, and the parents request a meeting, then the governors’ discipline committee must meet within 50 school days.

More about the governors’ discipline committee meeting and how to prepare for it

After the committee meeting

In cases where there has been a governors’ discipline committee meeting, the committee should put their views on the exclusion and the headteacher’s exclusion letter on your child’s record. If you wish, your views can be added.

More about what happens after the committee meeting and about the possibility of an independent review

What happens if your child remains permanently excluded

Your child will have been receiving full time education from the sixth day of the exclusion. The duty to provide appropriate full time education will remain with the local authority, and a long term assessment of the pupil’s needs will take place.

Some children may be ready to return immediately, others would benefit from some time to address their behaviours in a more focused way.

More about what happens if your child remains permanently excluded and placement at another school

Preventing further exclusions

When your child returns to school you can help prevent further exclusions by keeping in regular contact with your child’s class teacher/tutor, and ensuring that you and your child are involved in any future meetings.

More about preventing further exclusions, and organisations who can help you

Further advice and guidance

The Inclusion Team at the local Children’s Services office

  • Exclusions Guidance: 01962 876311

Special educational needs

SENDIAS (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advisory Support Service) offers parents advice and support on special educational needs issues

Legal issues and advice

Guidance from the Coram Children’s Legal Centre

 Department for Education

Guidance for parents, schools, governors and local authorities on behaviour and attendance

Other useful contacts

  • Equality Advisory Support Service 0808 800 0082
  • SEN and disability discrimination tribunal 01325 392760
  • Talk to Frank drugs helpline 0300 123 6600

Data Protection Act 1998: You are advised that information on pupils is routinely registered on manual and electronic systems as part of their records. Everyone working in Children’s Services has a legal duty to keep information confidential.