Guillemont Junior School

Where no catchment map is shown above, please refer to the school’s admission policy to see how places are allocated.

Not all schools operate a catchment area for admissions purposes. Additionally, some faith schools refer to a much larger or different area to the maps shown on these pages, based on the church parish boundaries. In all cases, please refer to the school's admission policy and / or the pdf catchment map in the box below to see how they prioritise admissions.

Contact the school directly about governor vacancies.

  • 90
  • Year 3 places for September 2025

a further 16 places available across Key Stage 2 for children with an Education, Health and Care Plan, admitted to the SEN provision for speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) and 8 places available across Key Stage 2 for children with an EHCP admitted to the resourced provision for autistic spectrum disorder (ASD)

Linked schools

Attendance at a linked school may assist with priority admission at this school

Travelling to this school