Lee-on-the-Solent Junior School
About the school
- Type of school: Primary
- Headteacher: Mrs Lucy Faulkner
- School status: Community
- DfE number: 2610
Salisbury Terrace
Lee-on-the-Solent PO13 9DL 02392550551
Where no catchment map is shown above, please refer to the school’s admission policy to see how places are allocated.
Not all schools operate a catchment area for admissions purposes. Additionally, some faith schools refer to a much larger or different area to the maps shown on these pages, based on the church parish boundaries. In all cases, please refer to the school's admission policy and / or the pdf catchment map in the box below to see how they prioritise admissions.
Contact the school directly about governor vacancies.
- 90
- Year 3 places for September 2025
Linked schools
Attendance at a linked school may assist with priority admission at this school
Travelling to this school
- For information on our policy on home to school transport, or financial support with your journey to school
- For help with planning your journey to school, try the My Journey route planner and read our Parent information pages