Noadswood School
About the school
- Type of school: Secondary
- Headteacher: Miss Kathryn Marshall
- School status: Academy
- DfE number: 4128
North Road Dibden Purlieu
Southampton SO45 4ZF 02380840025
Where no catchment map is shown above, please refer to the school’s admission policy to see how places are allocated.
Not all schools operate a catchment area for admissions purposes. Additionally, some faith schools refer to a much larger or different area to the maps shown on these pages, based on the church parish boundaries. In all cases, please refer to the school's admission policy and / or the pdf catchment map in the box below to see how they prioritise admissions.
Contact the school directly about governor vacancies.
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Linked schools
Attendance at a linked school may assist with priority admission at this school
Travelling to this school
- For information on our policy on home to school transport, or financial support with your journey to school
- For help with planning your journey to school, try the My Journey route planner and read our Parent information pages