Training courses we offer

We have a national reputation for excellence in providing advice, support and training to governing bodies, advisory boards and their clerks


Our diverse programme of training events cover all aspects of the governance role. It includes:

  • general development courses for governors from maintained schools and academies
  • specialist courses for clerks, chairs of governors and training and development governors
  • pupil matters: the governors’ role in exclusions, SEN, child protection, tackling bullying, pupil premium and closing the gap
  • finance
  • personnel
  • sites and buildings
  • curriculum

We also hold several conferences throughout Hampshire during the year which attract nationally renowned speakers.

Training & Development Programme 2024-25

Our courses are constantly being updated in response to changes affecting governance and to meet the needs of both existing and new customers. Every course is evaluated and we achieve a consistent average rating of 4.4 (where 5 is excellent and 4 is good).


We have over 20 e-learning courses are available via Hampshire Services for Schools. These allow governors to undertake training a time of your choice.

Training venues

Our training takes place online and across different locations throughout Hampshire

Find a training venue

We also offer customised training to governing bodies delivered in your own school.

Make a booking

Our courses can be attended by governors at subscribing and non-subscribing schools. If your school does not currently subscribe to our services, and you would like to find out more, please contact us.

I'm from a subscribing school

Visit Hampshire Services for Schools to find and book training.

I'm from a non-subscribing school

Governors from schools that do not subscribe to our services are very welcome to attend any of our training sessions on a one-off basis.

Contact us so we can organise your booking and answer any queries you may have.

Whole governing body training

Both subscribing and non-subscribing schools can book a whole governing body training session.

Subscribing schools are entitled to one two hour whole governing body training session per financial year.

Make a whole governing body training request