
Employment and Skills Hub

Skills and Participation has set up an Employment and Skills Hub (ESH) to develop and increase ESP activity through Hampshire County Council corporate planning, procurement and partnerships, and also, importantly, to support partners with Employment and Skills Plans (ESPs) to help maximise the skills activity and work based opportunities across Hampshire.

What’s being offered

The Hub will offer to support District and Borough ESP programmes. This will be a free bespoke service which will provide resource and expertise on all aspects of Employment and Skills Plans.

We can:

  • Provide guidance on the Client Based Approach (CBA)
  • Provide updates on national policy as part of the National Construction Skills Advisory Group (NCSAG)
  • Meet/negotiate with contractors to create and develop ESPs
  • Provide templates/documentation
  • Carry out quarterly reviews and monitor KPI’s
  • Provide standardised data reports of ESP activity which can be used to update Committees and Members
  • Link with partners and stakeholders
  • Link directly with a wide range of schools and colleges
  • Help to increase young people’s participation and reduce NEET and unemployment
To contact us for support

For more information and/or to request a meeting email us at [email protected] or call 01962 846193