Employment and Skills Hub
Work Experience and IOSH (Institution of Occupational Safety and Health)
Skills and Participation offers a sold service to schools, sourcing Work Experience placements and carrying out Health and Safety checks as part of our Careers Service.
We also offer to link up Employers looking to offer Work Experience placements with relevant people.
Employment and Skills Plans
Skills and Participation works closely with contractors and District and Borough Council partners to create Employment and Skills Plans (ESPs). ESPs create opportunities for the residents of Hampshire to engage in Construction; through work experience, jobs, apprenticeships, construction careers information, training and more.
We offer support and advice to Contractors and our District and Borough Council partners around Employment and Skills Plans through our Employment and Skills Hub.
Construction Skills Training
The Technical Construction Skills project (ESF) is creating opportunities for those looking to get in to the Construction Industry to gain training and qualifications.
How we can help you
If you are looking for Careers Guidance, including support with Work Experience, you can visit our Careers Sold Service webpage for more details and our contact details. We can arrange to meet or talk on the phone with you and discuss our offer in more depth.
If you are a District/Borough Council looking for support with your Employment and Skills Plans, you can visit our Authority page to see what we can offer your authority, or e-mail us [email protected]
If you are an employer looking to offer work experience for a young person our Work Experience page contain ideas and our contact details.
If I'm an employer offering Work Experience, I can expect a member of Skills and Participation’s Health and Safety (IOSH) trained team to contact me to carry out a Health and Safety check. This will include checking Employer Liability Insurance, Fire procedures and equipment, induction process, risk assessments, First Aid equipment and general safety of the premises. If any concerns are raised, the team will signpost ways to remedy them and follow up either with a phone call or a subsequent visit.