Hampshire PE Conference 2024

Breaking barriers


The Hampshire PE Conference will take place on Thursday 18 April 2024.

We have an exciting programme of workshops and speakers which will equip school teachers and PE leads with the resources, ideas and inspiration to create a curriculum that engages all pupils.


This workshop will give you a good understanding of what Sensory Circuits is and guide you through establishing a Sensory Circuits programme in your school.

Becky will explain the theory behind how Sensory Circuits sessions can help children with physical, emotional and behavioural needs to be more available for learning in the classroom. You will also learn about how a circuits session supports children’s Sensory Integration systems. She will look at which children the sessions can support, and suggest how they could be included in your school day.

You will also have a chance to develop your understanding further by completing a set of Sensory Circuits stations yourself during the workshop.

Aimed at: Primary and SEND

A practical interactive workshop to develop your knowledge and confidence of delivering OAA in your school.

You will explore a variety of exciting ideas to support you in designing and delivering a comprehensive OAA programme.

This is delivered outside in all weathers, so you should ensure you are appropriately dressed.

Aimed at: Primary

Interactive session to discuss and try out an orienteering associated activity to meet the needs of PE and the wider curriculum. Short session ideas will be demonstrated and then discussed as workshop as to how they could be implemented back in your place of work.

Activities will include building on top of the well known traditional orienteering courses, with fun speed games, practical everyday navigation ideas, the use of digital resources and the signposting to resources that can help you post-conference. The ability to navigate and have a sense of direction is not required!

Aimed at: Primary and SEND

Interactive session to discuss and try out an orienteering associated activity to meet the needs of PE and the wider curriculum. Short session ideas will be demonstrated and then discussed as workshop as to how they could be implemented back in your place of work.

Activities will include building on top of the well known traditional orienteering courses, with fun speed games, practical everyday navigation ideas, the use of digital resources and the signposting to resources that can help you post-conference. The ability to navigate and have a sense of direction is not required!

Aimed at: Secondary

Embodiment in physical education is a crucial aspect of learning, as it integrates the mind and body to create a holistic approach to education. However, the current physical education curriculum often lacks diversity and inclusivity in the classroom as it is based on Western ideals.

To create a more inclusive and diverse learning environment, we must decolonise the curriculum and explore alternative historically marginalised and forgotten perspectives. This requires an examination of the limitations and biases of the current curriculum.

Join us at the workshop, where we will provide a space for reflection on current practices and identify possibilities for the future. We will initiate learning through the head, heart and hands through the practical capoeira component.

We aim for all children to access physical education in an inclusive and diverse learning environment. Let's work together to create a brighter future for our students.

Aimed at: Primary, Secondary and SEND

This session will explore what physical literacy is and how it can enrich your practice to create more inclusive, holistic, positive, and meaningful experiences that promote a love of learning and provide the foundations for a physically active life.

Practical strategies to promote pupil motivation, confidence, physical competence and knowledge and understanding will be covered leaving you with lots of practical tips to support your pupils in lessons.

Delivered by Dr Liz Durden-Myers, a world-leading expert in physical literacy, this session is not to be missed.

Aimed at: Primary and Secondary

This workshop is aimed at PE subject leaders in primary schools. The importance of physical activity is frequently undervalued in primary education to support children’s health and wellbeing.

PE subject leaders are well placed to help raise the profile of physical activity and educate children to recognise its benefits. For it to be fully embraced and develop habitual behaviours, PE leaders will need to influence their colleagues and school culture. The workshop will hopefully challenge teachers to consider their existing practice and form ideas to make purposeful change.

Delegates will ideally participate in physical activity as well as discussion with others to shape their ideas.

Aimed at: Primary

Using frameworks that categorise games as tactical problems, participants will work in groups to explore how they may design modified games that support pupils to find tactical solutions.

This will involve juggling the contextual influences of the gameplay e.g. available space, equipment, people, with the desired focus such as tactical solution and skilfulness.

You will be challenged to define the skilfulness in relation to decision-making, technique and timing and understand how your rules within the game design foster tension and weighting. This is not an exact science, and you will need to refine the rules to balance the intended focus.

Aimed at: Primary, Secondary and SEND

We all know how important it is that children and young people get to have a say on the things that affect them. But how do you go about doing it?

This event provides the framework for you to lead active and creative participation sessions. It helps you to understand how young people feel about physical activity, guides you through supporting young people to design their ideal physical activity sessions, and will even help you to monitor and evaluate your delivery with young people.

Join us at this event to learn more about creative consultation and feedback methods, try out some of the activities from the toolkit, share ideas and learn from others

Aimed at: Secondary - Can be adapted for Primary and SEND

A practical workshop designed to support the engagement of KS3 students in dance.

You will learn strategies to get that ‘buy in’ from students to maximise engagement and pride in lessons, practical examples to highlight themes and topics that inspire, and methods to ensure students are prepared for GCSE dance by the end of KS3.

Aimed at: Secondary

Sherborne Developmental Movement (SDM) – commonly known as ‘Sherborne’ - is a method of working in which the movement is securely based in normal developmental movement experiences. It was developed by Veronica Sherborne in the later part of the twentieth century and is an inclusive approach to teaching and working with movement.

Used in early years, primary, secondary, and special schools; it is particularly popular as a means of developing movement opportunities for pupils with special needs, setting shared movement experiences within a safe space. It promotes confidence through guided exploration, body awareness, and physical creativity fostering a love of movement through a series of fun activities that can be experienced and enjoyed by pupils and adults of any ability.

Inclusivity is central to the practice of SDM. In this brief introduction you will explore common themes with SDM to inspire inclusive movement practice.

Aimed at: Primary, Secondary and SEND

This will be a practical workshop that focuses on how dance can be used as a powerful vehicle to support children’s communication of ideas and feelings such as developing relationships and managing emotions.

The session will provide examples for both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 learners and offers a framework of how to teach dance with any new topic or stimulus.

This workshop is suitable for anyone new to teaching primary dance or looking for new ways to inspire their dance curriculum.

Aimed at: Primary

Sharing practice from Testbourne Community School for AQA GCSE PE, which has improved progress across exams, coursework and practical sports.

Aimed at: Secondary

This workshop will explore the difference that participating in sport can make in the lives of newly arrived children and young people who are seeking sanctuary having been forced to migrate.

Aimed at: Primary, Secondary and SEND

Sometimes yoga can be a bit daunting and even feel exclusive, as if you can only do yoga if you are already bendy enough to touch your toes! Yoga is one of the most inclusive and accessible methods of introducing movement into schools. The poses are just the beginning.

There are endless ways of weaving yoga into your classes, and this session will give you an insight into the ways yoga can help you and the children in your school to become more balanced, strong and flexible - mentally as well as physically. Yoga allows us to get to know ourselves better, helps us to love and respect ourselves unconditionally, and cultivates respect for others, embracing similarities and differences.

Through breathing exercises, mindful movement, and tapping into our imagination, you will receive the beginnings of a toolkit of techniques and tips that you can can draw upon and integrate whenever it is needed. These range from quick-fixes that take no more than a few moments and require no fancy equipment, to ways of theming an entire topic around elements of yoga.

Experience is not necessary, but there will be some movement and activity during this session and you are invited to participate.

Aimed at: Primary

The workshop will detail the steps schools can take to support the creation of school-club partnerships within their local communities with regards to female football participation.

The partnerships created will enhance both the delivery of female football sessions within the school setting (and examples will be provided of what this delivery may look like), and the signposting techniques schools can utilise to ensure female students can continue their participation within their local community club.

Aimed at: Primary, Secondary and SEND

This workshop explores the importance of early physical literacy and its role in children’s learning.

Discover how physical play in the early years supports children on their journey to becoming effective learners. Reflect upon how environmental provision effectively develops the necessary systems within the body required for learning.

Aimed at: Primary

This workshop is an introduction of how tennis skills can be integrated in the curriculum to support the development of movement skills and physical literacy, as well as personal development and character education.

Aimed at: Primary and Secondary

Photo of a children's football team celebrating


In person attendance:
£150 - Hampshire Outdoors SLA
£175 - Non Hampshire Outdoors SLA


Headteacher (AM Keynotes only):

Hampshire Outdoors will send an invoice for the delegate directly to your school/setting. You will be charged if you cancel your space within 3 weeks of the event.

Photo of a child playing with a hula hoop


Time Agenda item
8:30am Arrival
9am Welcome
9:05am National updates - AfPE, Youth Sport Trust, Public Health
9:50am Dr Shrehan Lynch
10:35am Break and tradestands
11:20am Primary TeachMeet
Secondary panel discussion
SEN round table discussion
12:10pm Lunch
1:15pm Workshop 1
2:15pm Workshop 2
3pm Finish

Places on workshops are issued on a first come, first served basis. Each workshop has specified a capacity and unfortunately these cannot be changed.


Book your place on the Hampshire PE Conference 2024

If you are unable to access the form please email [email protected].

Photo of a small child climbing up a slide in a playground