Employee information and further support

Employee Self Service (maintained schools only)

You can access your pay slips or P60s via Employee Self Service.

Employees must Register for ESS first.

Benefits for school staff (maintained schools only)

You can access a dedicated benefits page via the Shared Services self-service page and search for 'benefits'.

Available benefits include, KAARP staff discounts, pensions, and public transport discounts.


Information about Joining the teachers pension scheme or LGPS scheme for support staff can be found on the benefits page via a dedicated link.

Education Support Partnership

The Education Support Partnership is a charity aimed at helping organisations and their staff to boost health, happiness and wellbeing through individual support and great management. They have a 24/7 free helpline which you can call, text or email at any time.

Unions and professional associations

Hampshire is proud to have a strong working relationship with recognised trade unions and professional associations and staff are encouraged to access support from their union.

There are 6 recognised teacher trade unions, who work collectively together as a Teacher’s Liaison Panel.

Unison, Unite and GMB are the main unions representing support staff in schools.

Notice periods

Teachers start employment on the first of month the term starts and can only leave employment on 31 August, 31 December or 30 April/End of Easter Holidays. Therefore if you are resigning during the academic year you need to ensure you have provided the required notice.

Leaving date Notice deadline for teachers Notice deadline for headteachers
31 August 31 May 30 April
31 December 31 October  30 September
End of Easter Holidays or 30 April 28 (29) February 31 January