We are recruiting for caring jobs with adults

We love the stories... sharing a laugh... giving back.
We bring our life experience, and we never stop learning.
We make someone’s day every day.

Come and be the difference with Hampshire County Council.

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nurses working in adult health and care

Take the next step...

If you are looking for your next career step, just starting your career journey, or looking to improve your work life balance, working for Hampshire County Council Adults' Health and Care Services could be the best move you ever make.

As one of the biggest county councils in the country, our scale as an employer means that we can offer you a wide range of benefits and a competitive salary.

Our extensive range of services provided to the residents of Hampshire means that we can offer a variety of roles across the county in our care homes, community settings and within our support services.

"When you work in care some days are challenging. But every day is worth it."

Tessa, Care Assistant

social workers working with adults


Adult Social Work careers

Explore the opportunities for Social Workers, Newly Qualified Social Workers, Case Workers and Senior Case Workers in a variety of teams across Hampshire.

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Find out more about our
Adult Social Work Team

carer at front door



Our team provides short term assessment and reablement support to adults following discharge from hospital, crisis or carer breakdown or to assist with hospital avoidance.

View our current vacancies

Find out more about our
Reablement Team

carer with adults


Adult Care

We deliver care for older people and adults with disabilities across Hampshire. We have a variety of rewarding career choices, whatever your skills and experience.

View our current vacancies

Find out more about our
Adult Care Team