Our teams

Here in Hampshire, we believe in taking a holistic approach to Children's Social Care, and our dramatic transformation of our service ensures that all of Hampshire's most vulnerable children and families are receiving outstanding care, no matter their circumstances.

Our Children's Social Care provision comprises various different teams, all made up of expert practitioners who provide individual but equally important intervention and support.

“Staff are skilled at using ‘strengths-based’ approaches and empowering children and families to take control of their plans.”

- Ofsted, June 2019

Hampshire County Council's Children's Social Workers are afforded the opportunity to work across an array of different teams, including:

Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)

MASH provides triage and multi-agency assessment of safeguarding concerns. It brings together professionals from a range of agencies into an integrated multi-disciplinary team. This dedicated team protects the most vulnerable children from harm, neglect and abuse by providing unique services, such as:

  • A faster, more consistent response to safeguarding concerns, with clear guidance and support
  • An improved journey for the child or adult concerned
  • An emphasis on early intervention and ensuring better informed services are provided at the right time
  • Close partnership and multi-disciplinary working, with clear accountability and improved multi-agency communications
  • A reduction in the number of inappropriate referrals and re-referrals.


Two young children

Family Help Team

The Family Help team works with families who have a need for a Child and Family Assessment, after information is gathered by the multi-agency safeguarding hub (MASH). They will conduct a relevant assessment and work to enable families to build their resilience and, wherever possible, remain together. The Family Help team also undertakes court work, to achieve permanency for those children who need to live outside of their home environment.


Young child

Children in Care team (CiC)

A case is transferred to the Children in Care team for long-term social care intervention, once a child’s permanent foster care plan has been identified and agreed. The CiC team also supports unaccompanied asylum-seeking children, who transfer directly to CiC from point of referral.


Two young children

Disabled Children’s team (DCT)

The Disabled Children’s Team works with children who have a complex disability. They also work with each child’s family where required, providing support and assistance to meet the needs of their child and his or her disability.


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