Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs)

SINCs form a vital component of the biodiversity of Hampshire alongside statutory designated sites such as Sites of Special Scientific Interest

  • 4,140
  • SINCs in Hampshire
  • 9%
  • Hampshire's land occupied by SINCs
Purpose of SINCs

Some of the most important wildlife sites in the county are protected as Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs). But there are many other important wildlife sites which also contribute to the ecological network in Hampshire.

To safeguard these sites, they are designated as Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs). SINCs are also known nationally as Local Wildlife Sites. They represent a legacy of good management and rely upon continued stewardship by landowners.

Designating a SINC raises awareness of its importance for wildlife particularly with regard to planning and land management decision making.

Further information on Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation.

Identifying SINCs

SINCs form part of a wider national network of locally valued wildlife sites. They are generally administered by local authorities in partnership with conservation organisations. HBIC manages the Hampshire SINC system on behalf of the local planning authorities and follows national guidance on identification, selection and management of local sites.

HBIC selects potential SINCs using data gathered from its survey programme and from the species groups. A site may qualify as a SINC due to the presence of a notable species or an important habitat. The SINC criteria have been fully revised and updated along with a section on the process for designating SINCs. View the SINC criteria.

Potential SINCs are assessed by a SINCs Advisory Panel comprising Hampshire County Council, Natural England and the Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust. Existing SINCs are also re-surveyed and re-assessed on a regular basis.

Data on the wildlife interest of each SINC is maintained by HBIC and can be requested using the biodiversity information request form.

Privacy Notice

Any personal data held in relation to SINCs will be protected and handled in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). For more information about how we use personal information, see our privacy notice.