Framework of strategic programmes
The framework of strategic programmes tackles the largest sources of emissions and supports the sectors most impacted by climate change.
View our full strategic framework
Transport and highways
Strategic planning and infrastructure
Waste and circular economy
Natural environment
Green economy and skills
Engagement and young people
Public health
Estates and operations
Adults' health and care
Transport and highways
Embed climate change, mitigation and resilience across all highways projects.
Transport policy
Roll out of an electric vehicle strategy across the county with the aim to reduce carbon.
Local Transport Plan 4
Adopt a local transport plan that with carbon reduction as a key element.
Electric vehicle charging infrastructure
Secure funding for local electric vehicles and develop commissioning framework for infrastructure rollout.
Hampshire-wide retrofit programme
Address county-wide residential emissions through the development of a retrofit programme for privately owned able-to-pay homes. Aim to improve energy efficiency and household resilience.
Strategic planning and infrastructure
Planning And infrastructure
Maximise opportunities to reduce carbon emissions and enhance the natural environment in Hampshire, ensuring that growth and development is sustainable and resilient.
'Support and scale' community energy programme
Work with partners to understand the requirements for renewable energy generation and distribution across Hampshire, alongside ensuring greater energy efficiency.
Developing a local area energy strategy
Enable communities to build their own capacity for renewable energy. Take steps to build self-sufficient community energy groups that cover the full geographic extent of the county.
Waste and the economy
Waste partnership
Collect and process waste materials in accordance with the waste hierarchy seeking to maximise reduction, reuse and recycling ahead of disposal. Partnership with other Local Waste Authorities is vital to ensure a sustainable, affordable, and resilient waste system is provided for residents.
Natural environment
Protect, enhance, improve, and develop the natural environment. Maximise the opportunity to manage and increase habitats, landscapes, and biodiversity which in turn support carbon sequestration and climate resilience.
Flood and water management
Protect, enhance, and improve flood and water management to support climate resilience and help with mitigation.
Green economy and skills
Clean, green, resilient economy for SMEs
Work with organisations to deliver information and training to businesses seeking to become more climate change savvy and environmentally friendly.
Developing green skills
Understand and address the current and future skills needs of the low-carbon economy in Hampshire. Work with training providers and partners to raise the profile of opportunities in the sector and build the capacity of the skills system to meet employer need.
Engagement and young people
Communication with residents
Empower Hampshire residents to reduce their carbon emissions and build resilience to climate change by using behavioural insights to target messaging. Provide information and initiatives to make behaviour change feasible, with aims to reach and include all sections of the community, including youth.
Education and engagement with children (0-18)
Ensure climate change features prominently in the CYP plan to drive activity across the directorate. Promote opportunities for embedding climate change into the school curriculum and extracurricular activities.
Engagement with young adults (16-25)
Engage with 16-25-year-olds to better amplify their voices and understand the best way to incorporate their views into our work. Support young adults’ ability to take climate positive action both now and in future life.
Public health
Emergency planning, resilience, and response
Embed extreme weather considerations in emergency response planning.
Air quality
Develop a council-wide public health approach to tackling air quality.
Health intelligence
Improve and develop climate change factors in health data to better serve the most vulnerable.
Work with strategic transport to ensure positive health outcomes are embedded into local transport strategies.
Place shaping
Work with and influence partners - internal and external - to strive towards healthy places that are both good for people and the planet.
Tackling inequalities
Work with and influence partners - internal and external - to tackle inequalities heightened by the impacts of climate change.
Leadership and communication
Maximise the use of existing networks to engage with residents and service delivery partners on climate change.
Estates and operations
Built estate: energy decarbonisation
Transition to fossil-fuel-free heating over the next 25 years to achieve progressive decarbonisation of heat and power-related carbon emissions from Hampshire Count Council's build estate.
Built estate: low carbon construction
Deliver progressive decarbonisation of the embodied carbon emissions from the Council’s construction activity through low-carbon design, procurement and delivery.
Built estate: adaptation
Improve resilience of the built estate to the risks and impacts of climate change, such as overheating, flooding, and drought, to ensure the continued safety of buildings and the health of users.
Adults' health and care
Procurement and commissioning of adult social care
Embed climate change outcomes and key performance indicators within procurement activity and contracts of all new commissioned care.
Communication and engagement with adult social care providers
Ensure adults’ social care providers are climate change aware and can develop business plans with climate change in mind.