What are we doing?
Our approach is to lead, empower and stimulate action on climate change. The County Council has a dedicated climate change team, but every department is embedding action on climate change to reduce emissions and build resilience.
With our partners, we will demonstrate leadership and include climate change mitigation and resilience in all key policy areas to enable our communities to tackle this issue.
Where we’re taking action
Find out how we are reducing carbon emissions and preparing for the impacts of a 2c rise in temperature across our services.
Learn more strategic priorities
Annual progress on climate change
Read our climate change annual report to take a deeper look into the progress made across the County Council to reduce carbon emissions and build resilience to climate change.
Learn more our strategy and action plan
Hampshire's carbon emissions
To measure progress towards the target of making Hampshire carbon neutral by 2050, carbon emissions are tracked and reported annually.
Explore the data
Climate resilience
Explore what the County Council are doing to make sure the services we provide and our county is resilient to the changing climate.
Read more
Community projects
Find out how we are working with partners to deliver projects that support Hampshire residents to lower their carbon footprint and build resilience in their homes.
Learn more Community projects
Who we’re working with
Find out about our partnerships and our climate change Expert Forum.
Who we’re working with
Energy Distribution
Find out how we are working with the University of Southampton to understand the current energy situation in Hampshire and develop an energy strategy for the next 25 years.
Learn more Community projects