Making changes to a ditch or watercourse
As Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA), Hampshire County Council is responsible for giving permission for works on ordinary watercourses
- Ordinary Watercourse Consent (OWC)
Hampshire County Council is responsible for assessing flood risk in the county. You must apply to the County Council for consent to carry out work which may:
- place or alter a structure within an ordinary watercourse
- affect the flow or storage of water within an ordinary watercourse
This includes temporary and permanent works.
This consent is known as Ordinary Watercourse Consent (OWC) or Land Drainage Consent. Please note: It is not possible to apply for land drainage consent retrospectively (after works have been completed). Check our guide to ordinary watercourse consent to find out if your works need consent.
Works to main rivers
If the watercourse is part of a main river, you will need to apply for a flood risk activity permit from the Environment Agency.
- Application conditions
For all applications, the following conditions apply:
The fee is £50 per structure or change. The total cost depends on both the temporary and permanent works you are proposing. See the ordinary watercourse application charging guide.
You must supply all requested information and pay the fee before the application will be validated. Once an application has been validated, we have two months to process it and come to a decision.
Depending on the site and the proposed work, we may need to consult several organisations. If this leads to additional queries, you will need to respond to these.You may require other licences and permits for this work to be completed, such as:
- permission from the Highway Authority for vehicle access or dropped kerb
- permission from Natural England to work in a protected area
- an environmental permit from the Environment Agency
These licences and permits are your responsibility to obtain. See Highway Authority Licences and Permits.
- Pre-application advice
We offer a pre-application service for Ordinary Watercourse Consent. This provides:
- specific advice on what you need to consider for the proposed works on your site
- advice about the level of detail we need from you in order for us to validate the application
There is a charge for this service.
Request Pre-application Advice for Ordinary Watercourse Consent
- Apply for ordinary watercourse land drainage consent
One application can cover multiple structures if they are located in the same area or on the same watercourse.
If you know the number of proposed changes or structures, you have the option to pay online at the end of the form. See the OWC charging guide.
After the application has been assessed, additional payment may be needed to validate and progress your application.
Read the guidance notes before you apply.
- Payment for Ordinary Watercourse Consent
If you have any queries regarding payment of the application fee, email [email protected]. If you have a reference number, include this in the email.
- Applications determined
To see where applications for land drainage consent have been made and the decision, view the 'HCC planning application portal'. If you wish to view only applications for land drainage consent, type the letters 'owc' in the search bar.
You can also view where applications have been made on the 'flood and water management app'.
Use the ‘Map Layers’ to show ‘Hampshire County Council Data’.