Historic settlement

Hampshire’s historic towns and villages are a vital part of the landscape. They help define a sense of local identity and community.

Two surveys have been undertaken to understand how these towns and villages developed and to assess their archaeological potential.

Historic Towns

The survey of Hampshire's historic towns was funded by Historic England. The survey is part of their programme of Extensive Urban Surveys. The aim of the project was to assess the historic development and archaeological features found in each town. This information was used to provide guidance on how to manage this heritage for the future.

The results of this survey have been added to the Historic Environment Record. Copies of the reports can be downloaded freely as PDF documents.

Historic Rural Settlement

The survey of historic rural settlements was carried out by Bournemouth University in association with Hampshire County Council.

The aim of the survey was to highlight the archaeological potential of each settlement. This heritage could then be managed through the planning process.

The results of this survey have been added to the Historic Environment Record. Copies of the reports can be downloaded freely as pdf documents. Each village is listed by the relevant district.

These reports are copyright of Hampshire County Council and Bournemouth University and should not be reproduced without permission.

Abbreviations used in the Rural Settlement Report