Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Hampshire

Introduced by the Environment Act 2021, Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS) are a new system of plans for nature recovery covering the whole of England. They are a key mechanism for planning and delivering the National Nature Recovery Network and will consist of:

  • a map of the most valuable areas for wildlife
  • opportunities to improve nature in the future
  • local priorities

What the Strategy will be used for

The Strategy will be used to:

  • guide investment into local priorities for protection and enhancement
  • help shape how future funding for farming and land management such as the Environment Land Management schemes will be used
  • map areas of opportunity for the use of 'nature-based solutions' to wider environmental problems like flooding, climate change mitigation and adaptation or poor water quality
  • guide mandatory biodiversity net gain (BNG) investments
  • provide a source of evidence for local planning authorities, helping to understand locations important for conserving and restoring biodiversity

The LNRS will not mandate any changes to local landowners.

How the Strategy will be prepared

Defra has appointed Hampshire County Council as the Responsible Authority for the Hampshire area. We will work closely with the Supporting Authorities of Portsmouth and Southampton City Councils, local planning authorities in Hampshire, the New Forest National Park Authority, South Downs National Park Authority and Natural England through a Steering Group and Working Group set up for the project.

The production of each Local Nature Recovery Strategy will be evidence-based, locally led and collaborative, to create a network of shared plans that public, private and voluntary sectors can all help to deliver. Natural England will lead the Government’s involvement and will work alongside each of the Responsible Authorities to help shape the strategy and ensure overall consistency. The preparation of each LNRS will also be supported by the Environment Agency and the Forestry Commission.

Guidance documents

The Government has now published:

These set out the process that each responsible authority must follow and what each strategy should include.