Community Funded Highway Infrastructure

The Community Funded Highway Infrastructure (CFHI) scheme is designed to aid towards the delivery of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funded schemes at the request of parish or town councils, including district and borough councils.

Schemes requested under the CFHI must align with the County Council's strategies, plans and policies.

Services we offer

The main services that the CFHI will offer are:

  • Public Realm schemes
  • Highway improvement
  • Footway widening
  • Improvements and upgrade to highway drainage
  • Street lighting
  • Pedestrian / cycling Infrastructure
  • Small highway schemes
  • Rights of Way schemes (subject to agreement with Rights of Way officers but not where the Ted Mason Agreement will apply)

Subject to maintenance agreements, other services that could be considered include:

  • Street furniture such as benches
  • Tree planting and landscaping (shrubs excluded)
  • Highway maintenance
  • Provision of bus shelters
Delivery model

Route A: for traffic management enhancement schemes up to £25,000 in value

The Community Funded Initiative (CFI): Via the Safer Roads – Traffic Team which covers traffic management enhancement schemes. For contact details and how to apply, please follow link about this scheme.

Route B: for schemes listed under section "Services" above, up to £250,000 in value

The Community Funded Highway Infrastructure (CFHI): Via the Transport Planning Services Team. Please note that an initial deposit of between 8% and 10% of scheme value (includes works cost, design fees, supervision, legal, road safety audits etc.) will be payable in advance of development and design work being progressed by HCC. For contact details and how to apply, please refer to the bottom of the page.

About CIL funding

Regulation 59C of the Community Infrastructure Levy (Amendment) Regulations 2013 highlights the fact that when parish councils receive 25% of CIL receipts (as compared to the standard 15%) due to them having Neighbourhood Plans, they can spend 40% on infrastructure and the remaining 60% on revenue-related activities, including the replacement or maintenance of infrastructure.

It should be noted that districts and borough councils cannot spend CIL funds on maintenance and consequently, additional resources should be in place to cover any Commuted Sums that may apply. 

Examples of similar projects

Although the CFHI process is new, we have worked with district, borough, parish and town councils for many years, using their own funds, to develop and deliver schemes. For example, we have worked with town and parish councils to deliver a number of schemes:

Bramley scheme

Bramley Parish Council to develop, design and deliver an improved junction layout in the heart of the village.

Petersfield town centre

Petersfield Town Council to undertake a technical transport study to progress ideas from their Neighbourhood Plan; the study included surveys, audits, analysis and recommendations.

Lymington and Pennington

Lymington and Pennington Parish Council to co-develop a masterplan to improve the pedestrian environment within Pennington village.

Contact Transport Planning Services

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 01962 832122

Download our brochurefor other services we provide for the environment, transport and the economy.

Download the application form

Please download the application form. It is a Word document so you can save it to your own computer and complete on screen.

Please send the completed form to us as an email attachment.

Email: [email protected]