
We specialise in ecological surveys and impact assessments, and are licensed to work with European protected species


Our team of experienced ecologists are members of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM).

We help developers, local authorities and other public bodies identify and understand the impact of development on the natural environment. We devise and implement strategies and solutions to avoid, mitigate or compensate for any identified impacts.

We have extensive experience of advising local authorities on the complex relationship between ecology and the planning process, and believe biodiversity can have a positive influence on new development. We are therefore uniquely qualified to guide local authorities and developers through what can be a challenging set of constraints, to the standards required by the planning system.

We are integrated with the Hampshire Biodiversity Information Centre, whose data services are nationally recognised for being at the ‘cutting edge’ of providing commercial, academic and public access to environmental information. For work outside Hampshire we can access and analyse data from other records on your behalf.

Our Environmental Data and Advice Service gives developers and investors a feasibility assessment for any site in Hampshire.

Our expertise includes

  • desktop ecological assessment and data searches (protected / notable species, site designations, priority habitats and habitat survey reports)
  • digitising and mapping services
  • Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA), and extended Phase 1 and 2 surveys, including botanical, hedgerow and protected species surveys
  • evaluation of ecological features, identification and assessment of constraints, impacts and areas for avoidance, from minor development through to full Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) / Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA)
  • mitigation advice and enhancement opportunities
  • pre-application / early stage advice for planning submissions, commentary on submitted applications, and guidance on strategic documents, including potential site allocations
  • independent ‘second opinion’ advice on complex ecological issues

Capability statements

Hampshire Biodiversity Information Centre (HBIC)
