Applying for planning permission
Pre-application advice
We encourage applicants and their agents to seek pre-application advice prior to any application being submitted. If you would like to apply for pre-application advice, complete the application form and provide the information set out in the guidance. There is a charge for this service and the fees are set out in the pre-application guidance.
Make a planning application
We manage the planning application process for mineral and waste developments, and the County Council’s own developments, such as schools and libraries.
Responsibilities of the County Council and District or Borough authorities
Hampshire County Council is responsible for reviewing planning applications concerning the waste element of General Industrial processes.
District councils are responsible for all other commercial planning applications, classified as:
Shops, retail warehouses, hairdressers, undertakers, travel and ticket agencies, post offices (but not sorting offices), pet shops, sandwich bars, showrooms, domestic hire shops, dry cleaners, funeral directors and internet cafes.
Financial and professional services
Financial services such as banks and building societies, professional services (other than health and medical services) including estate and employment agencies and betting offices.
Restaurants and cafes
For the sale of food and drink for consumption on the premises restaurants, snack bars and cafes.
Drinking establishments
Public houses, wine bars or other drinking establishments (but not nightclubs).
Hot food takeaways
For the sale of hot food for consumption off the premises.
Offices, research and development of products and processes, light industry appropriate in residential area.
General industrial
Industrial processes other than those falling within business.
Storage or Distribution (no waste element)
Industrial storage and distribution to include open air storage.
Guidance on preparing your planning application
Guidance on submitting minerals and waste planning applications
Guidance on submitting Regulation 3 planning applications (County Council developments)
Make a minerals application
- Application for mineral development (Requirements for full planning permission)
- Application for review of minerals permission
Make a waste or County Council application
Application for waste or County Council (Regulation 3) developments
Hazardous Substances Consents
There are three types of application:
- Hazardous Substances Consent
- variation or removal of conditions attached to a Hazardous Substances Consent
- continuation of a Hazardous Substances Consent
Application for hazardous substances consent
Email your Hazardous Substances Consent application form and supporting documents to [email protected].
Determining planning applications
All planning applications will be determined in accordance with relevant national and local plan policy. This may include the National Planning Planning Policy and guidance, the Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan (for minerals and waste developments only) and relevant Local Plans.
Planning applications may be determined by the County Council's Regulatory Committee or through delegated powers. Copies of all decision reports and decision notices are available to view.
Our Privacy Statement sets out our approach to data protection in the planning process.
Section 106 agreements or planning obligations
Section 106 agreements or planning obligations, are a key mechanism for mitigating the impact of development. They are used to secure benefits which would not be possible by only using planning conditions and which ultimately enables the development to happen. They can be associated with minerals and waste developments.
Heads of Terms and Guidance (section 106)
Section 106 precedent - waste and minerals
Community involvement
The Statement of Community Involvement forms the basis of our procedures for community engagement in the preparation of minerals and waste plans.
Other applications
Information about Non-material amendments and Article 27's