Adults' Health and Care: Departmental Policy and Procedure
Approved Mental Health Professional (AMHP) Training and Continual Professional Development Policy
This policy provides a detailed framework to ensure that social work and non social work staff are suitably prepared, supported and developed to enable them to successfully train as Approved Mental Health Professionals.
Mental health
Behaviour That Challenges Services
This document provides guidance and good practice information for Hampshire County Council Adults’ Health and Care (AHC) staff and external providers on providing care for adults whose behaviour challenges services
Learning disability Managing risk
Deafblind Policy
This policy outlines what services should be provided to people in this client group and is applicable to all Adults’ Health and Care Practitioners
Identification, Appointment and Displacement of a Nearest Relative under the Mental Health Act 1983
Detailed interpretation and local guidance for AMHPs to implement statutory responsibilities in relation to the identification, appointment and displacement of a Nearest Relative under the Mental Health Act 1983
Mental health
Resident Involvement Expenses and Allowances Policy
This document provides guidance on the setting of rates, and mechanisms for payment, for co-production activity
Resident Involvement Expenses and Allowances Policy - Easier to Read Version
This document provides easier to read guidance on the setting of rates, and mechanisms for payment, for co-production activity
Safeguarding Allegations Management Advisor Guidance
This guidance will inform staff about the SAMA role, when and how staff should refer to the SAMA, and next steps following the referral
Governance Managing risk Support for staff
Resident Involvement Co-Production and Engagement Policy
This document details AHC’s policy on co-producing with, and engaging, people who use services, their families and carers.
Care quality Governance
Guardianship Policy
Amendments have been made to the Mental Health Act 1983 as a result of the Mental Health Act 2007. As an established function of the 1983 Act, Guardianship has been made subject to minor changes in its execution.
Mental health
Managing Violence and Abuse Towards Staff
Guidance for all Adults’ Health and Care staff on managing threats of, and actual, harm towards staff as well as intimidation or any other form of abusive behaviour.
Support for staff
Protection of Property
This policy and guidance enables social care staff to understand what practical steps are required to fulfil their legal duties in relation to the protection of a person’s property.
Provider Failure Policy
This policy details the approach to be taken in Adults' Health and Care when a provider is unable to meet care and support needs due to temporary interruption or permanent business failure.
Market oversight
Quality Outcomes and Contract Monitoring Framework
This procedure describes how Adults Health and Care monitors the quality and supports provider services to deliver outcome focused, person centred care.
Care quality Market oversight
Research management; ethical review of consultations, service evaluation and research-like engagement
This procedure sets out the management process for research proposals, and the ethical review process for formal consultations, service evaluations and research-like engagement.
Learning and research
Safeguarding Adults: Multi-Agency Policy, Guidance and Toolkit
This policy supports current good practice in adult safeguarding and outlines the arrangements which apply to the whole of the 4LSAB area.
Managing risk
Section 42 Safeguarding Duties
This document outlines the safeguarding process and practice guidance to be followed in line with duties under Section 42 of the Care Act 2014.
Managing risk
Complaints handling procedure - easy read
This document provides the Adults' Health and Care Complaints Handling Procedure in easy read format.
Complaints handling procedure
This procedure clarifies the Adults' Health and Care staff responsibilities regarding the statutory complaints procedure and the processes involved.
Supporting People at Risk of Choking Policy
This policy provides the framework for use within Hampshire County Council, and those commissioned to provide services by Hampshire County Council, to support individuals at risk of choking.
Managing risk
Transport Framework
This policy advises Adult Services staff of the department’s position regarding the arrangement and provision of transport to enable people to access agreed provision to meet their eligible needs.
Unplanned referral protocols for short stay services (adult learning disability)
To ensure that all staff involved in making or receiving unplanned admissions to in-house short stay services (Adult Learning Disabilities) are clear of the process both prior to and during the admission.
Learning disability