Adults' Health and Care policy, strategies and Market Position Statements

Read social care policies, strategies and frameworks for Adults' Health and Care.

Adults' Health and Care Strategies

Hampshire County Council has an overarching Strategic Plan - Serving Hampshire which outlines our four strategic outcomes, as well as our County Council wide vision and values. The Public Heath strategy is also for the whole of Hampshire. The Adults’ Health and Care Directorate has developed its own strategy which sets out the specific adult social care context, vision and priorities.

Adults' Health and Care Strategy
Public Health Strategy
Strategy for the Health and Wellbeing of Hampshire
Autism strategy
Hampshire Carers Joint Strategy
Care Governance strategy

Adults' Health and Care Policy

Please follow this link to view Directorate policy and procedure documents.

Extra Care Brochures and Market Position Statements

Our collection of Market Position Statements (MPSs) provide insight into key market intelligence, information about the local economy, and current and future commissioning plans. The MPSs are, in summary, our account of the current shape of the adult social care market in Hampshire. They outline our:

  • Core principles of business 
  • Commissioning priorities 
  • Current resources and provision
  • Promises to care providers across Hampshire

The Extra Care Brochures provide information to landlords, providers and the public on our priorities for supported accommodation in Hampshire, the current schemes and future opportunities.

Younger adults’ Supported Accommodation brochure
Older adults’ Extra Care housing brochure
Physical disability services Market Position Statement
Learning disabilities and autism Market Position Statement
Mental health services Market Position Statement
Independent living at home Market Position Statement
Residential and nursing Market Position Statement
Market Sustainability Plan