SfYC Portage Support

Portage is a home visiting educational service for families with children from one year old to statutory school age, who have additional needs and meet the Portage referral criteria

We provide Portage through home visits and early years setting visits.

Referral process
  1. Request received from a health service practitioner, nursery, pre-school, childminder or parent through the online request form Request for Portage support. You will need evidence documentation to support the referral request. Evidence can be sent up to 6 weeks after the referral request. Please note referrals will not be processed unless evidence is received. After 6 weeks if no evidence has been received referral requests will be closed.
    Parent – please contact your health visitor or early years setting for support if you have identified concerns with your child's development and feel portage might be able to support you.
  2. Following referral we aim to make the initial contact with the family within six weeks. The assessment can be made by telephone, Microsoft Teams or a home visit to see if Portage is the most appropriate support offer
  3. Child placed on waiting list or other services identified
  4. The referrer will be notified of the outcome of the assessment at the point that the child is placed on the waiting list or Portage is not considered the appropriate service
  5. Once Portage Inclusion Practitioner (PIP) is available, visits commence to home and early years service (if applicable)
Further information

Hampshire Portage Service Information Pack

Hampshire Local Offer - Hampshire Core Portage Service

National Portage Association Website

Parent platform on the Family information services hub. This platform contains resources, short films and links to support organisations
