Hampshire Safeguarding Children Partnership and Children’s Trust thresholds chart
Clearly defined thresholds and a range of effective, evidence-based services in place to address assessed needs
- Universal
Has needs met within universal provision. May need limited intervention within the setting to avoid needs arising.
Level 1 developmental needs
- Achieving learning targets
- Good attendance at school
- Meeting developmental milestones
- Has psychological well-being
- Socially interactive and skilled
- Ability to protect self and be protected
Level 1 family and environment
- Supportive relationships
- Housed, good diet and kept healthy
- Supportive networks
- Access to positive activities
Level 1 parents and carers
- Protected by carers
- Secure and caring home
- Receive and act on information, advice and guidance
- Appropriate boundaries maintained
Level 1 next steps
- Early help
Has additional needs identified within the setting that can be met within identified resources through a single agency response and partnership working.
Level 2 developmental needs
- Absence or truancy from school
- Incidence of absence or missing from home
- Use of fixed term exclusions
- Risk of social exclusion
- Poor attachment
- Language and communication difficulties
- Reduced access to core needs
- Disability or additional special need
- Potential for becoming NEET
- Potential not to attain
- Slow in meeting developmental milestones
- Missing health checks or immunisations
- Minor health problems
- Early signs of offending or anti-social behaviour
- Underage sexual activity
- Early signs of drug and or alcohol misuse
- Poor self-esteem
- Low level emotional and or mental health issues
Level 2 family and environment
- Young carers
- Poor parent child relationships
- Children of prisoners or parents subject to community orders
- Bullying
- Poor housing and poor home environment impacting on child's health
- Community harassment or discrimination
- Low income affects achievement
- Parent advice needed to prevent needs escalating
- Poor access to core services
- Risk of relationship breakdown
- Concerns about possible domestic abuse
Level 2 parents and carers
- Inconsistent care arrangements
- Poor supervision by parent or carer
- Inconsistent parenting
- Poor response to emerging needs
- Historic context of parent or carer's own childhood
- Parent or other family member involved in offending behaviour or subject to supervision within the criminal justice system
Level 2 next steps
Referral to agency for support to meet identified needs. For further advice or guidance in respect of early help, contact your local team.
- Targeted early help
Has multiple needs requiring a multi-agency coordinated response.
Level 3 developmental needs
Following level 2 intervention:
- Persistent absence from school
- Missing from school or home regularly with no explanation
- Permanent exclusions or no school place
- Social exclusion
- Poor attachment
- No access to core services
- Significant disabilities
- Developmental milestones not being met due to persistent parental failure or inability
- Chronic and or recurring health problems
- Regular missed appointments affecting developmental progress
- Teenage pregnancy
- Drug and or alcohol misuse impacting negatively
- Risky sexual behaviour (e.g. unprotected sex)
- Offending or anti-social behaviour resulting in risk of entering Youth Justice System
- Emotional or mental health issues
- Community harassment or discrimination
Level 3 family and environment
- Housing tenancy at risk
- Community harassment/discrimination
- Relationship breakdown
- Domestic abuse
- Transient families
Level 3 parents and carers
- Parental learning or physical disability, substance misuse or mental health impacts on parenting
- Inconsistent care arrangements
- Poor supervision by parent or carer
- Poor response to identified needs
- Historic context of parent/carer's own childhood
Level 3 next steps
Early help assessment
If you require advice or guidance about the child or young person's needs, submit an Inter-Agency Referral form:
- Children's Social Care
Has a high level of unmet and complex needs, or is in need of protection.
Level 4 developmental needs
- Chronic persistent absence, permanent exclusions or no school place that risks entry to the care system
- Frequently missing from home, resulting in self-neglect
- Persistent social exclusion
- Poor attachment
- Complex or multiple disabilities
- Teenage parent or pregnancy under the age of 13
- Drug and or alcohol use severely impairing development
- Offending and in the criminal justice system
- Complex mental health issues affecting development needs, including self harm
- Very low self-esteem
- Non-organic failure to thrive
- Sexually inappropriate or aggressive behaviour
- Sexual exploitation or abuse
- Relationship breakdown
- Unaccompanied minors
Level 4 family and environment
- Suspicion of physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect
- Community harassment or discrimination
- Domestic abuse resulting in child being at risk of significant harm
- Homeless child or young person
- Family intentionally homeless
- Extreme poverty affecting child well-being
- Forced marriage, honour-based violence, female genital mutilation
Level 4 parents and carers
- Edge of care
- Parental encouragement of abusive or offending behaviour
- Continuing poor supervision in the home
- Parental non-compliance, disguised non-compliance or co-operation
- Inconsistent parenting affects child's developmental progress
- Private fostering
Level 4 next steps
Child and Family Assessment / Child Protection (S47) investigation
Use the inter-agency referral form to refer to the Children's Reception Team:
Phone if the matter is an urgent safeguarding issue:
- Hampshire professionals number: 01329 225379
- Hampshire public number: 0300 555 1384
- Isle of Wight professionals number: 0300 300 0901
- Isle of Wight public number: 0300 300 0117
If at immediate risk, ring the police on 999.